Tektronix 2430 DSO question

Anyone with Tektronix experience?
I just bought a used Tek 2430 150MHz Digital Oscilloscope off eBay and so far I really like it. This being my first DSO I'm ignorant on what to expect from it. The only thing that concerns me is what appears to be a constant noise on the trace on all V/div settings. I've attached two images, one at 5V and one at 2mv, with no probe attached. You can see the noise only changes a little from one extreme to the other. Is this normal? Is it normal for most DSOs or just this model? Or should I be seeing a more flat line?
I just bought a used Tek 2430 150MHz Digital Oscilloscope off eBay and so far I really like it. This being my first DSO I'm ignorant on what to expect from it. The only thing that concerns me is what appears to be a constant noise on the trace on all V/div settings. I've attached two images, one at 5V and one at 2mv, with no probe attached. You can see the noise only changes a little from one extreme to the other. Is this normal? Is it normal for most DSOs or just this model? Or should I be seeing a more flat line?
Tearing apart this unit has been a lot of fun and very educational. I found and replaced a dead 1F cap that, along with a lithium battery, keeps the SRAM alive. Cleaned dirty contacts in one of the attenuator modules. And followed the external calibration procedure. But I did not know if this "noise" was normal for this unit or a sign of a problem (dry capacitors, etc.)
Thanks for your input! I'm going to tinker with it some more.
Post Edited (Martin Hodge) : 6/26/2010 3:39:16 PM GMT
Right on that one. Miles of 74LSxxx gates running at 20MHz and a 5" fan running flat out to keep everything cool. My 2215 by comparison is 1/2 empty inside, and light as a feather. There's a lot of hybrid technology in this thing that, while probably obsolete, is quite fascinating.
All my hi-fi equipment, all save one piece of my test equipment, a fair smattering of my collection of guitar effects pedals, all my guiatr amps, and cripes...even my computer since it's almost 6 years old...would be considered (actually are) "obsolete".
I like to think of them as.........."vintage".
It was In Bad shape inside so I scrapped it ..........I kept many of the parts from inside ..Knobs and most of all I saved the attenuators as there Precision for RF lab work . I Still have yet to use them ..
peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
I have purchased a 2430A from an auction. How do you did to clean the noisy attenuator..? mine has this problem in the B channel.
I just replaced the battery but my ennglish is not good so I do not get exactly the manual steps to dissassemble and unmount the attenuator.