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Programming the Propeller with Spin - A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing — Parallax Forums

Programming the Propeller with Spin - A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing

WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
edited 2011-03-26 12:52 in Propeller 1
Hey all,

I pre-ordered Programming the Propeller with Spin - A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing by Harprit Sandhu. What a deal at $19.77!

I am not far into the book yet, but it was exactly what I needed and hoped for.·The writting style and logical progression through the subjects is helping me make sense of it all. I have been working with some limited sucess in my spare time to understand the Prop better (going through the PEKit Labs). I have also been tinkering with the Stingray and making some progress there too. This book is filling in some more of the puzzle.

I am mostly interested in robotics (as most of you know). I also do alot of work with younger kids. I am really looking forward the new Scribbler 2 for this purpose. This book provides a great way to introduce real beginners to the Prop - in my opinion.

Thanks to Harprit·for this wonderful contribution to those of us beginning to use the Propeller.


"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney


  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2010-06-26 23:21
    I just finished posting all the programs in the book on the web site.
    They can be cut and pasted directly into an open SPIN program.

    These programs are also available on the McGraw Hill web site.
    These programs are in one file which makes it easier to search for a word or program electronically.

  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2010-06-27 15:35
    Currently identified errors in my book are posted at

    This list will be update from time to time as more information becomes available.

  • Mike B.Mike B. Posts: 31
    edited 2010-07-10 18:09

    · Just got your book and I am already loving it.· You have a very easy style and the commented source code is very easy to follow and figure out where you are going..

    · Well done..

    · Mike B.
  • mickalmickal Posts: 75
    edited 2011-01-31 23:10
    Great book. I got it with a USB Prop and am enjoying the read. I like the section on analogue IO Kind of wondered why the Prop does not have analogue pins. Then there is lots of stuff like Frequencies and PWM. Servos and Motors etc etc ect.
    I think its a trick for a knowledgeable person to write for those with far less understanding without accidentally assuming all kinds of comprehension.

    You did it !
  • HarpritHarprit Posts: 539
    edited 2011-03-05 11:47
    Thanks for the kind words.
    Made my day.

  • stevepstevep Posts: 2
    edited 2011-03-26 10:40
    Hello Mr. Sandhu. I read through this thread and immediately purchased your book from amazon. I am excited and looking forward to getting it. I have already gone to your website and copied the tutorial programs. I am going through them now and just your tutorials are so helpful, I cant wait to get the book! I know it will be just what I need. The reviews on amazon are great. I hope you are having a wonderful day and thank you. I will post more once I have a chance to read through it.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-03-26 12:52
    I purchased the Kindle copy of this book a few days ago. While I am not a beginner at parallel processing, I looked at the topics covered and figured the breadth could help me acclimate to Spin and the Propeller quickly.
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