Powering the Protoboard
I have another micro-controller board that has regulated 5V and 3.3V outputs and I was wondering if there is any good way to use these to power a Protoboard? I believe directly connecting the 5V to the 5V output of the Protoboard would cause problems with the Protoboard 5V regulator.
Will work for Propeller parts!
Will work for Propeller parts!
I made the project with an old beta spinStudio board that has a built-in 5v regulator which in turn supplies power to a 3.3 volt regulator, probably just like your boards. I didn't want to remove the 5V regulator if there was no need to, and all the research I did found no reason not to connect power this way, so I tried it and have not had any problems after maybe 40 hours of runtime.
It wouldn't hurt to try to locate and read the data sheet for the regulator you'll be using; at least try to become informed, but don't be surprised if it doesn't say anything about using the regulator this way.
Will work for Propeller parts!
Post Edited (blittled) : 6/24/2010 4:32:29 PM GMT
1) Remove the 5 volt regulator
2) Add the recommended bypass diode from Vout to Vin (1N4002)
3) Remove the capacitor from the input terminal of the 5 volt regulator.
I would recommend item 2 as you will still be able to use the boards 5V regulator if need be.
Will work for Propeller parts!