Where can I find a slim LCD that can replace Bean's mono LCD?
Posts: 2,461
If you read the Propeller forum, you will see that I have built a Propeller Based Employee Time Clock. It is a nice device that uses ALL easy to get and widely available parts, excepting one: The screen. It uses one of Bean's monochrome displays that I bought through Gadget Gangster. Bad news is, I looked up the site that makes the screens and the part number indicates that it was a custom display made several years ago. I have done a lot of research looking for a screen like this, it has to be slim and wire connected in 12 pins or less. I am wanting to sell this device as a product or a kit, and I don't think that Gadget Gangster has very many in stock. It doesn't have to replace it in software, but the screen has to be reasonably thin to give enough board clearance. Also, it would be preferred if it had a breakout board available, but that is not totally necessary, because I can get one made if I have to.
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