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Position Controller, HELP!!! Original Wheel_controller C code to Spin conversio — Parallax Forums

Position Controller, HELP!!! Original Wheel_controller C code to Spin conversio

rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
edited 2010-06-26 11:43 in Propeller 1
I have been working on converting the original Wheel_Controller to SPIN.·

I have a personal deadline to get it done before UPEW·this weekend

I have built wheel encoders for 36 ppr at the wheels,·and just·now have installed some USDigital units for 80_000 ppr(wheel revolution)·at the motors. I currently·have 10 inch wheels driven through a 450:1 gear box, the motors are each driven by an HB25 (pwm on mode 0)

I know others might like this code to modify for thier own use, those that stray from standard, and need to optimize for thier own use and purpose.

I am at a loss,· no, stuck in qaugmire for a bit·as to continue on this code for "I cant see the forest for the trees". I need input and morale support, perhaps a blessing to forgive my cussing.

I want to keep this compatible with the orginal API.

The header would read "original code by: K. McCullough
·······························"converted to SPIN by the Propeller Community"

I am asking for help from the Prop community to get this done and bring it to the UPEW as well as the OBEX and forums, as a collabritive effort.

The spin.code I have is in the rar and·is a loose translation from C to SPIN and does not yet work.
· (the original code is .c)

I need help with the following to make PositionController.spin work:

1. to get the ISR routine running IN PositionController.spin using the values provided by the Quadrature_Encoder ie Pos[noparse][[/noparse]0/1] and Encoder.ReadDelta(0/1) instead of positionUpdate(). I was thinking maybe run this value through a moving_average object to get the average speed. I also need to make a method to pass which Pos[noparse][[/noparse]x] to look at when the positioncontroller is called.

2.Move global vars and locals to where they go.

3.write the code to pass recieve longs or byte for commands ie [noparse][[/noparse]TRVL (BYTE/LONG)]·to maintain,·or make possible·backward compatability. I will have to pass longs for Pos or travel.

4.pique the brains of the smartest people I know (Prop-Heads) and make new friends

I attach the original.c and my mess.spin

Post Edited (rpdb) : 6/23/2010 10:43:35 PM GMT


  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-23 08:38
    '**      "Position_Encoder_v1_01.c"
    '**      Last Modified:  Apr 25, 2008
    '**      Created By:  K. McCullough
    '**  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    '**      This program handles the signals from the optical interrupter switches
    '**  to keep track of wheel position/distance.  It receives commands and
    '**  returns data via a one-wire UART.  Additionally, it can control an HB-25
    '**  to take care of travelling a specified distance at a specific speed.
    '**      The address selection sets which sensor board will listen to commands 
    '**  issued by the master.  Using address "0" speaks to all devices 
    '**  simultaneously.  
    midspeed          = 2765   'mid value (1.5ms) for output pulses        ILL HAVE TO CHANGE THIS. USED IN ISR FOR OUTPUT TO SERVO PULSEOUT
    'ms20              = 36864      'TOP value for 20ms pulse periods       TIME OUT PULSE TO RUN ISR?
    'pulseout          = OCR1A  'Timer1 output compare register            OUTPUT THIS TO SERVOS FOR PEKIT OBJECT
    tx_dly_default    = 115     'default value for tx_delay. Wait approx 500uS before reply   INCREASE THIS FOR 115200? USED IN Tx OBJECT
    max_accel_default = 15                                 'CHANGE THE FOLLOWING FOR 80000 PPR
    user_spd_default  = 36      ' = 1 rotation/0.5 sec
    Kp_default        = 35                                                 'USED IN ISR FOR OUTPUT TO SERVO
    'Ki                = 0
    'Kd                = 0
    QPOS = 1       'Query Position Accumulator
    QSPD = 2       'Query Speed
    CHFA = 3       'Check for Arrival
    TRVL = 4       'Travel Number of Positions
    CLRP = 5       'Clear Position
    SREV = 6       'Set Orientation as Reversed
    STXD = 7       'Set Tx Delay
    SMAX = 8       'Set Speed Maximum
    SSRR = 9       'Set Speed Ramp Rate
    maxCommand = 9 'maximum value of any commands
    void updatePosition(void);
    void txData(void);
    void rxByte(void);
    long position         'this 32-bit value stores the current position
    long orientation      '+1 or -1 depending on orientation set by user
    long oldstate         'this stores the old state of the two encoder inputs phase a phase b
    long tempData         'temp input data/command register ADDRESS THIS WITH TXRX? DO I NEED THIS WITH FULLDUPLEXSERIAL??????
    long tx_delay         'sets how long to wait before replying back
    long tx_buffer[noparse][[/noparse]2]     'variable holds the data to be sent out. tx_buffer = [noparse][[/noparse]ByteH : ByteL]
    long tx_index         'number of bytes left to be sent out
    long pls_accum[noparse][[/noparse]25]    'stores the number of pulses accumulated in 20mS.  'Summed to get pls/0.5sec.  Summation is performed every 20mS 
    long sp_spd_accum[noparse][[/noparse]25] 'Summed to get the set point incrementing speed in positions/0.5sec
    long idx_ctr          'Keeps track of which segment to add pulses to, incremented every 20mS.
    long current_spd      'stores the current speed value
    long user_spd         'stores the speed value set by the user
    long target_spd       'stores the target set_pt incrementing rate (speed)
    long set_pt_spd       'stores the advancement speed of the set point (positions/0.5sec)
    long inv_pt_distance  'the distance which is needed to decelerate to a stop given the current set_pt_spd and acceleration value
    long set_pt_old       'holds the old set point value
    long pos_var_old      'used for position advancement value calculation to determine output speed
    long spd_var_old      'used for velocity advancement value calculation to determine change in output speed
    long old_spd          'stores the previous value of driving speed (or position incrementation)
    long set_pt           'target position (set-point of PID)
    long end_pt           'total end point - set by the user - not dependent on the current direction of travel
    long target_end_pt    'the desired (or "target) end point for the current direction of travel
    long end_direction    'either +1 or -1 depending on the direction required to travel toward the target_end_pt
    'word  err_sum        'integral term
    'word  err_dif        'derivative term
    'word  err_prev       'previous value of err (for derivative)
    long  old_pwm         'previous value of out_pwm
    long max_accel        'how quickly the rate of speed can increase
    long commandStack[noparse][[/noparse]40]
    Pub Start(MutexID, HB25Pin)                   'mutex MUST BE 1 OR 2, 3, 4  AS 0 SPEAKS TO ALL POSITION CONTROLLERS
            'pass mutex id and output pin
            dev_id      := MutexID                                        'OLD CODE CHECKED JUMPERS(((PIND & 0x30)>>4)+1);//check state of ID selection jumpers. 'Passed as param instead
            HB25        := HB25Pin
            '//initiallize user variables to defaults        
            tx_delay    := tx_dly_default                                 'set the default transmit delay from CON block for fullduplexserial.spin
            orientation := 1                                              'default orientation (positive direction)
            user_spd    := user_spd_default                               'default user speed from CON block 
            max_accel   := max_accel_default                              'default max acceleration value from CON block 
            'oldstate    := ((PIND & 0x0C)>>2)                             'mask = 0000,1100 'I am using quadrature_encoder.spin instead
            position    := 0                                              'clear the position accumulator
            '//initiallize other stuff to start from scratch...
            pos_var_old   := 0
            spd_var_old   := 0
            target_spd    := 0
            old_spd       := 0
            idx_ctr       := 0
            set_pt        := 0
            set_pt_old    := 0
            end_pt        := 0
            target_end_pt := 0
           cognew(Command(dev_id, HB25), @commandStack)                 DO I HAVE TO CALL @COMMAND STACK[noparse][[/noparse]0/1]
    PUB stop
    '' Stop frees a cog
      if cog
        cogstop(cog~ - 1)
    pub save this for later      '                'FOR USE IN ISR TO GET POSITION UPDATES FROM QUADRATURE ENCODERS
          Abs_Right   := Pos[noparse][[/noparse]0]                   'Read Right motor's absolute position
          Delta_Right := Encoder.ReadDelta(0)     'Read Right encoder's delta position (value since last read)
          Abs_Left    := Pos[noparse][[/noparse]1]                   'the left
          Delta_Left  := Encoder.ReadDelta(1)  
    Pub  Command(dev_id, HB25)    'FIX THIS TO PASS ID FOR EACH MUTEX
               'This code section handles all the incoming data and commands
     IF dataIn := TXRX.rxcheck                   ' wait for incoming byte (-1 if no data)                
                                             'seperate incoming data byte components [noparse][[/noparse]COMMAND:ADDRESS]
       addr    := (dataIn & 0x07)            'mask = (0000,0111)  'FIRST THREE BITS ARE MUTEX ADDRESS FROM WHEEL CONTROLLER  
       command := ((dataIn & 0xf8) >> 3)     'mask = (1111,1000)  'THE COMMAND IS [noparse][[/noparse]QPOS..SSRR] OR [noparse][[/noparse]0..9]                              
      Case command
         QPOS:                 'Query Position COMMAND = 1
          if (addr == dev_id)                    '"Single" type command only
    '         TXRX.txLong                                                             Do I HAVE TO WRITE OR CHECK OBEX
             TXRX.tx(position & 0x00ff)             'low byte                          I SHOULD TRANSFER A LONG HERE    
             TXRX.tx((position >> 8)& 0x00ff)       'SECOND byte                             A BYTE AT A TIME
             TXRX.tx((position >> 16)& 0x00ff)       'THIRD byte
             TXRX.tx((position >> 24)& 0x00ff)       'high byte             
             TXRX.rxflush                            'discard the bytes recieved UNTIL -1
         QSPD:                 'Query Speed  COMMAND = 2
          if (addr == dev_id)                          'Single" type command only
             TXRX.tx(current_spd & 0x00ff)             'low byte                                 I SHOULD TRANSFER A LONG HERE    
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 8)& 0x00ff)       'SECOND byte                             A BYTE AT A TIME
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 16)& 0x00ff)       'THIRD byte
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 24)& 0x00ff)       'high byte  
         CLRP:               'Clear Position   COMMAND = 5
           if ((addr == 0)||(addr == dev_id)) '"Single" or "All" type command
             position      := 0
             set_pt        := 0
             target_end_pt := 0
             end_pt        := 0
             pos_var_old   := 0
             spd_var_old   := 0
             target_spd    := 0
             old_spd       := 0
             idx_ctr       := 0
             set_pt_old    := 0
         SREV:    'Set Orientation/Direction as Reversed   COMMAND = 6
           if (((addr == 0)||(addr == dev_id)))   '//&&(((signed char)tempData == -1)||(tempData == 1))) 'if valid address and direction value
            orientation := -1
         STXD: || SSRR: || CHFA:            'COMMAND = 7 || 9 || 3
         ' 'SSRR:
         ' 'CHFA:
                      'if one of these three commands              
                         'receive 1 extra data byte
            tempData1 := TXRX.rx        'OR A LONG, ONE BYTE AT A TIME
            tempData2 := TXRX.rx
            tempData3 := TXRX.rx
            tempData4 := TXRX.rx
            tempData  := ((tempData4 << 24) + (tempData3 << 16) + (tempData2 << 8) + (tempData1))
            tempData := TXRX.rx
                         'check if valid address
            if ((addr == 0)||(addr == dev_id)) '"Single" or "All" type command
             Case Command
                  STXD:                 'Set Tx Delay value  COMMAND = 7
                    tx_delay := tempData
                  SSRR:                 'Set Speed Ramp Rate  COMMAND = 9      IS RAMP RATE A LONG?????   MAYBE A BYTE???
                    if (tempData == 0)
                      tempData := 1                'to avoid a divide by zero in later calculations (commented out because it turns out that it's ok - but not recommended!)
                    else  max_accel := tempData 
                  CHFA:                   'Check for Arrival  COMMAND = 3
                    if (addr != 0)                'can only be a "single" type command
                      if ((current_spd == 0)&&(position >= end_pt-tempData)&&(position <= end_pt+tempData))
                        TXRX.tx(0xFF)                    'yes, it has arrived 
                        TXRX.tx(0x00)                    'has not arrived        
                    Case SMAX: || TRVL:                       'COMMAND = 8 || 4
                       'case TRVL:
                            'receive 2 extra data bytes  OR RECIEVE 4 BYTES FOR A LONG???????????????
                       tempData1 := TXRX.rx  
                       tempData2 := TXRX.rx
                       tempData3 := TXRX.rx
                       tempData4 := TXRX.rx
                     tempData  := ((tempData4 << 24) + (tempData3 << 16) + (tempData2 << 8) + (tempData1))
                             'check if valid address 
                        if ((addr == 0)||(addr == dev_id)) '"Single" or "All" type command
                          Case SMAX:     'Set Speed Maximum           COMMAND = 8
                            tempData1 := TXRX.rx                   'RECIEVE 4 BYTES FOR A LONG??
                            tempData2 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData3 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData4 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData  := ((tempData4 << 24) + (tempData3 << 16) + (tempData2 << 8) + (tempData1))
                            user_spd := tempData
                          case TRVL:     'TRVL - Travel Number of Positions  COMMAND = 4      OR RECIEVE 4 BYTES FOR A LONG???????????????   
                            tempData1 := TXRX.rx                     'RECIEVE 4 BYTES FOR A LONG??
                            tempData2 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData3 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData4 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData  := ((tempData4 << 24) + (tempData3 << 16) + (tempData2 << 8) + (tempData1))
                            position_advance := tempData
                            end_pt += position_advance
                                            'now handle special case of when position_advance variable == 0
                             if (end_direction > 0)
                               if (position_advance == 0)
                                   'target_end_pt = set_pt + inv_pt_distance;     //special case handling
                                   'end_pt = target_end_pt;
                                   end_pt := set_pt + inv_pt_distance      'special case handling
                                   target_end_pt := end_pt
                                else if (end_pt < (set_pt + inv_pt_distance)) '|| (position_advance == 0))     'if the end_pt is closer (in the positive direction) than the current position plus how far it needs to decelerate properly
                                  target_end_pt := (set_pt + inv_pt_distance)          'load the new end point to be just how far it needs to decelerate
                              else if (end_direction < 0)
                               if (position_advance == 0)
                                                           '//target_end_pt = set_pt - inv_pt_distance;     'special case handling
                                                            '//end_pt = target_end_pt;
                                 end_pt := set_pt - inv_pt_distance      'special case handling
                                 target_end_pt := end_pt
                                else if (end_pt > (set_pt - inv_pt_distance)) '//|| (position_advance == 0))     //if the end_pt is closer (in the positive direction) than the current position plus how far it needs to decelerate properly
                                  target_end_pt = (set_pt - inv_pt_distance)            'load the new end point to be just how far it needs to decelerate
    pub nothing 'this gives a better contrast on the LCD while using proptool on my laptop for the following code:
    PUB ISR  |  temp_var_new, delta_spd, new_spd, err, cntr, out_pwm, distance_togo, seconds, dT, T 
    ''This ISR is executed every 20mS.  It is the main engine which drives the position controller's operation.
     dT := clkfreq/50           'setup for accurate time base of 20mS
        T := cnt
        waitcnt(T += dT)        'execute every 20ms 
            current_spd := 0        'Gloabals reset       'DO I REALLY NEED TO RESET EACH TIME OR JUST ONCE
            set_pt_spd := 0
            end_direction := 0      'defaults to 0 (no motion), gets set to +1 or -1 later in the code to denote positive or negative direction of travel respectively
            set_pt_old := set_pt 
                                              'This section finds current_spd average of a circular array
            repeat cntr from 0 to 25
              current_spd += pls_accum[noparse][[/noparse]cntr]  'sums the pulse accumulator array
              set_pt_spd += sp_spd_accum[noparse][[/noparse]cntr]
            'current_spd := filter_out    'moving average filter from quadrature encoder
            'This section calculates the next velocity advancement for creating an acceleration
            temp_var_new := (max_accel*(++idx_ctr)/25)
            delta_spd := temp_var_new - spd_var_old  'This is the magnitude of the needed acceleration.  (potential change in speed based on acceleration/deceleration)
            spd_var_old := temp_var_new
            inv_pt_distance := ((set_pt_spd*set_pt_spd)/(2*max_accel)) 'calculates the inversion point distance
            distance_togo = target_end_pt - set_pt
            if (distance_togo > 0)                  'need to travel in the positive direction
              end_direction := 1  
             else if (distance_togo < 0)             'need to travel in the negative direction
               distance_togo := -distance_togo   'produces the absolute value of distance_togo variable
               end_direction := -1      
            'Note: the position advancement engine is unsigned (sign is handled later by the end_direction variable)
            if (distance_togo > inv_pt_distance)    'if not at the inversion point yet...
              target_spd += delta_spd                        'accelerate
            if (target_spd > user_spd)                      'and limit speed to user_spd
              target_spd := user_spd
                                                       'if at or beyond the inversion point...
            if (target_spd > delta_spd)
              target_spd -= delta_spd        'decelerate
               target_spd := 0                 'but limit speed to 0 (cannot go negative)
            temp_var_new := ((target_spd*idx_ctr)/25)       'calculate the next set_point increment based on the current target_spd
            new_spd := temp_var_new - pos_var_old           'value to increment the setpoint
            pos_var_old := temp_var_new
            if (new_spd > distance_togo)            'make sure that the set_pt doesn't pass up the target_end_pt
              set_pt := target_end_pt  
               set_pt += (end_direction*new_spd)     'otherwise simply increment the set_point appropriately
            if (end_direction > 0)                      'travelling in the positive direction
               if ((signed int)end_pt > (set_pt + inv_pt_distance))        'if the end_pt is further (in the positive direction) than the current position plus how far it needs to decelerate properly
                  target_end_pt := end_pt                              'load the new end point
               else if (end_direction < 0)                     'travelling in the negative direction
                   if ((signed int)end_pt < ((signed int)set_pt - inv_pt_distance))        'if the end_pt is further (in the negative direction) than the current position plus how far it needs to decelerate properly 
                           target_end_pt := end_pt                                'load the new end point
                else                                                            'end_direction == 0 (not travelling at all, stopped)
                   target_end_pt = end_pt                'update the new end point - this will usually be the same as the current (target) end point anyway
    {{        //***This section is the PID controller - Not implemented in this design (it is only proportional)
            //err = set_pt - position;              //proportional
            //err_sum += err;                               //integral
            //err_dif = err - err_prev;             //derivative
            //err_prev = err;
    }}        '//out_pwm = ((Kp*err) + (Ki*err_sum) + (Kd*err_dif)/3); 
            err = set_pt - position        '//this is the error term
            if (err > 0)
                   err += 2
            if (err < 0)
                   err -= 2
            out_pwm = ((Kp_default*err) #> -1000 <# 1000 )       '//proportional error term
            'if (out_pwm > 1000)  '//limit output based on valid range for servo pulses
               '     out_pwm := 1000
            'if (out_pwm < -1000)
                '    out_pwm := -1000   
            old_pwm = out_pwm
            'output new pulse value
             servo[noparse][[/noparse]0] := midspeed + out_pwm     'NEED TO FIX THIS SO THAT SERVO[noparse][[/noparse]INDEX] IS PASSED AT CALL
                                                'THIS IS TO CALL THE SERVOS FOR PE KIT
            'Reset the idx_ctr value for circular array 
            if (idx_ctr == 25)
              pos_var_old := 0
              spd_var_old := 0
              idx_ctr := 0
            pls_accum[noparse][[/noparse]idx_ctr] := 0 '//resets the next cell in the pulse accumulator array
            sp_spd_accum[noparse][[/noparse]idx_ctr] := (set_pt - set_pt_old)
    /***********************************          'THIS IS PHASE A OF ONE ENCODER  'THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE HANDLED BY THE ABOVE ISR CODE
    ** INT0 interrupt subroutine                                              'BY LOOKING AT THE Pos[noparse][[/noparse]0] AND Encoder.ReadDelta(0) 
    ***********************************/                                      '
    ISR(INT0_vect)  //input pin change interrupt INT 0 (on PD2)
    /***********************************          'THIS IS PHASE B OF ONE ENCODER
    ** INT0 interrupt subroutine
    ISR(INT1_vect)  //input pin change interrupt INT1 (on PD3)
    /***********************************           'THIS HAPPENS IF PHASE A OR B CHANGES
    ** updatePosition
    void updatePosition(void)
    {       //function either increments or decrements the "position"
            //variable based on the new inputs.  This ISR is executed every time
            //there is a pin change on either sensor pin (PD2, PD3)
            signed char pos_adv_val;
            unsigned char newstate;     //this loads the new state of the two encoder inputs
            //mask away all but the correct two bits
            newstate = ((PIND & 0x0C) >> 2);        //mask = 0000,1100
            pos_adv_val = orientation * (signed char)(-1 + (((newstate & 0x01) << 1)^(oldstate & 0x02)));
            position += pos_adv_val;
            pls_accum[noparse][[/noparse]idx_ctr] += pos_adv_val;
            oldstate = newstate;
    '***********************************                           'REWRITE THIS FOR RX LONGS
    Pub rxLong
    void rxByte(void)//unsigned char numToRx)
    {//This function waits for new data to arrive in the Rx Buffer
     //and then stores it in the tempData variable. 
                            tempData1 := TXRX.rx                     'RECIEVE 4 BYTES FOR A LONG??
                            tempData2 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData3 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData4 := TXRX.rx
                            tempData  := ((tempData4 << 24) + (tempData3 << 16) + (tempData2 << 8) + (tempData1))
            while (!CHECKBIT(UCSRA,RXC)); //wait until new data has arrived
            tempData = UDR; //get incoming data
    /***********************************                            'REWRITE THIS FOR TX LONGS 
    Pub txLong
    'void txData(void)
             TXRX.tx(current_spd & 0x00ff)             'low byte                                 I SHOULD TRANSFER A LONG HERE    
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 8)& 0x00ff)       'SECOND byte                             A BYTE AT A TIME
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 16)& 0x00ff)       'THIRD byte
             TXRX.tx((current_spd >> 24)& 0x00ff)       'high byte  
    {       //The BS2 requires at least a 500uS delay between sending
            //a byte and then being able to receive a byte, so the delay 
            //is generated with Timer0 OCA.  The delay can be user defined
            //in case a different microcontroller is being used which does
            //not require a delay (or requires a different delay).
            //NOTE:  Setting (not clearing) the OCF0A flag bit is what
            //              clears the flag.
            //To properly execute sending data:
            //              1) set tx_buffer
            //              2) set tx_index
            //              3) call txData()
            CLEARBIT(UCSRB,RXEN);   //disables the UART receiver
            SETBIT(UCSRB,TXEN);             //enables the UART transmitter
            while(tx_index > 0)
            {       OCR0A = (TCNT0 + tx_delay);       //setup next timer compare value
                    SETBIT(TIFR,OCF0A);                       //clears the timer output compare flag
                    while(!CHECKBIT(TIFR,OCF0A)); //wait for the timer compare (OCF0A flag set) to occur
                    UDR = tx_buffer[noparse][[/noparse]--tx_index];  //send byte of data
                    SETBIT(UCSRA,TXC);  //clears the Tx Complete flag
                    while(!CHECKBIT(UCSRA,TXC)); //wait for data transmit complete before continuing
            CLEARBIT(UCSRB,TXEN);           //disables the UART transmitter
            SETBIT(UCSRB, RXEN);    //re-enables the UART receiver
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,550
    edited 2010-06-23 09:11

    Why convert it to SPIN? I just compiled the C source under Catalina, and it comes in at 14kb 8kb ** - so even if you have to add in a custom serial comms object and a few other odds and sods, it should easily run on any Propeller. Is there more to the program that you have not shown, or is it just that one C file?

    Of course, I shouldn't really pretend that just compiling it is the end of the story - the code I generated will not actually run since it is full of hardware assumptions that relate specifically to the AVR - but you presumably already know all the Prop equivalents or you wouldn't be able to translate it to SPIN.

    Also, you'd probably also have to restructure the code slightly because the AVR has to use interrupts to do things that you would do much more logically with a separate cog on the Propeller (ugh! - this kind of stuff is so ugly on chips like the AVR it makes me remember why I love the Propeller so much!) - but it is all doable.


    ** recompiled to exclude floating point, which I assume you don't need.

    Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina

    Post Edited (RossH) : 6/23/2010 9:53:28 AM GMT
  • heaterheater Posts: 3,370
    edited 2010-06-23 10:25
    Interesting: Compiled with GCC for Zog that comes to 4816 bytes.

    Briefly looking at the code I can see that we can replace the serial port stuff with FullDuplexSerial or such.

    The updatePosition function, called from two pin interrupts can be replaced with a simple Spin or PASM loop in it's own Cog.

    The TIMER1_OVF routine perhaps should run in it's own Cog and the main command loop in another.

    So we have 4 Cogs here: Main loop, timer tick, position sense and FDS.

    There is no way Zog is mature enough to do this yet and I'm having doubts about being able to handle the 20ms timer tick in time. Although if Zog cannot do it it may be hard in Spin also.

    Catalina should have no problems.

    For me, the past is not over yet.

    Post Edited (heater) : 6/23/2010 10:33:00 AM GMT
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-23 10:35
    Hi RossH,

    Mostly because the code would be open source for use on the Prop. There are C compilers for the Prop, but I don't know how they handle the conversion for interupts.

    Second the AVR is running at 14Mhz and the prop at 80Mhz and the encoders I am using are going to need that. I will probably run a 6.25MHz crystal to get 100MHz.

    Yes, it is doable. Did you find the PositionController.spin file in the rar? It is close but I need a little help.

    Post Edited (rpdb) : 6/23/2010 10:40:22 AM GMT
  • heaterheater Posts: 3,370
    edited 2010-06-23 10:50
    No idea what the original license of that wheel encoder C code is but a direct Spin translation could be construed as a derived work. So any restrictions could still apply.

    Basically one can replace those pin interrupt handlers with Spin or PASM code running in a separate COG. The logic there is small so it should be simple. Perhaps you need PASM for the speed. Perhaps using waitpe/waitpne to trigger on pin changes. Anyway that COG would detect the pin changes and update some globally available HUB variables with the acquired data.

    That takes care of the high speed real-time part.

    The code hanging off the 20ms interrupt would probably need to run in it's own COG. We have to hope that Spin can do this in time. Don't forget Spin is interpreted.

    I presume the command loop can be a bit more laid back.

    For me, the past is not over yet.
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-23 11:08
    Ken Gracey said...
    Hello Robert,
    There’s no restriction on the code – you can post it on the forums and ask all the questions you want (except of our staff). This is provided to you open-source, totally non-supported. You’re on your own and our staff has no time to get involved.
    We have no plans to make a Propeller-powered version, but it’s an option we could consider in the future.
    Thanks for asking – it’s not confidential so “let ‘er rip”.
    Ken Gracey
    Please look in the rar file at the schematic.spin file. Did I upload it correctly?
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-23 11:22
    perhaps this will help:

    The main thing that I need help with is the position_controller.spin.

    1). The original C code used interupts for each "phase A/B" quadrature encoder to increment posUpdate().
    ** INT0 interrupt subroutine
    ISR(INT0_vect) //input pin change interrupt INT 0 (on PD2)

    ** INT0 interrupt subroutine
    ISR(INT1_vect) //input pin change interrupt INT1 (on PD3)
    }void updatePosition(void)
    { //function either increments or decrements the "position"
     //variable based on the new inputs.  This ISR is executed every time
     //there is a pin change on either sensor pin (PD2, PD3)
     signed char pos_adv_val;
     unsigned char newstate;     //this loads the new state of the two encoder inputs
     //mask away all but the correct two bits
     newstate = ((PIND & 0x0C) >> 2); //mask = 0000,1100
     pos_adv_val = orientation * (signed char)(-1 + (((newstate & 0x01) << 1)^(oldstate & 0x02)));
     position += pos_adv_val;
     pls_accum[noparse][[/noparse]idx_ctr] += pos_adv_val;

    2). My hope is to convert to SPIN and the inputs will instead be from·Quadrature_Encoder.spin
    ····· to update position and average speed with the following:
    (these are used by PositionController.spin[noparse][[/noparse]0] in a cog for the right wheel)       Abs_Right   := Pos[noparse][[/noparse]0]                   'Read Right motor's absolute position
          Delta_Right := Encoder.ReadDelta(0)     'Read Right encoder's delta position (value since last read)
    (these are used by PositionController.spin[noparse][[/noparse]1] in a different cog for the left wheel)
          Abs_Left    := Pos[noparse][[/noparse]1]                   'the left
          Delta_Left  := Encoder.ReadDelta(1)  

    ·3). I am having difficulty wrapping my mind around the [noparse][[/noparse]idx_ctr]··and the [noparse][[/noparse]cntr] in the··ISR· and PosUpdate routines of·the·original C code.

    4). I am·NOT trying to compile the C code with catalina etc or any other C compiler. I wish for help to re-write this to·make this run in SPIN. PositionController.spin is what I have so far as my conversion from PositionController.c.· To make the PosUpdate and ISR work in PositionController.spin, to find·the average speed and position is what I need help with.

    5). I am truly grateful for any and all suggestions and help in this endevour.

    Post Edited (rpdb) : 6/24/2010 9:51:37 AM GMT
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-25 21:44
    I still have not figured·out the ISR to convert to a SPIN loop and where to insert speed and position, but am making progress.

    ·Here is the latest:
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2010-06-26 11:43
    Loading up the truck, "piggyBot" called shot-gun; we're heading out to UPEW.
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