DTMF ( Touch-Tone )
·· Is it possible connect a dtmf decoder to the propeller chip !
·· If so how about adding a lcd readout to !
Doug Smith
·· Is it possible connect a dtmf decoder to the propeller chip !
·· If so how about adding a lcd readout to !
Doug Smith
LCD drivers are available at the obex
There is no problem that can't be solved with a suitable amount of explosives!
EOD Memorial
Also it's pretty simple to make an opto-isolator circuit to detect the ring signal.
The 8870 is the simplest and easiest to work with. You use 5 pins ... a data valid pin and 4 bits of data (0-15 ... digits 0-9, A, B, C, D, *, #) ... loop and monitor the data valid, when it asserts, read the 4 pins. The wonderful thing about the 8870 is that the internal chip firmware does all the work of validating the tone. It doesn't assert data valid until it has 1 second of a clear valid DTMF digit. Now if you are fussy and want to do some of that work yourself it has another that asserts as soon as it gets anything that is vaguely familiar.
For some reason, 8870's are hard to find in small quantities .. you want to buy a couple of thousand, plenty of offers, but 1, 10, a hundred ... not so easy. I scored a bunch of them a couple of years ago and have been selling them in a 'complete kit' with either a Zarlink MT8870D chip or Clare M8870-01 in PDIP-18 package, color burst crystal, socket, three precision resistors and 2 caps for 5$ plus s/h. My website has the data sheets and a kit schematic. If you are interested it can be found at (scroll down about 1/3rd of the way)
I also have some BS2 code I can send you for the 8870. I had the 8870 hooked to a ham radio HT and was using it for remote control. It was amazing how well it pulled the tones out of some moderately crappy noise.
cheers ... BBR
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
The Shoppe at Wulfden
www.wulfden.org/TheShoppe/prop/ - Propeller Products
www.wulfden.org/TheShoppe/k107/ - Serial LCD Display Gear
There is no problem that can't be solved with a suitable amount of explosives!
EOD Memorial
·thanks for the help !
·signed Up all Night !·(Ha, Ha)
Doug Smith
· 40pins, Tip and Ring Connect to Pins 1 and 40
· All formats output Direct to a microcontroller
· Has anyone used this Chip and if so do you have any code for the Propeller Or·· the·· BS2
Doug Smith
do i feed this right out on my audio jack? do i need anything special between it and the jack?
Thanks again all.
I used the octal buffer that Parallax sells in between the Prop and the MT8880.http://www.parallax.com/StoreSearchResults/tabid/768/List/0/SortField/4/ProductID/653/Default.aspx?txtSearch=octal+buffer It has two groups of 4 buffer pins. I used one set as data from the prop to the MT8880, and the other set for data from the MT8880 to the Prop. I also used a PN2222 (NPN) transistor to choose which buffer was active(Thanks Chris Savage!). Friday I finished up the wiring and was able to receive DTMF tones into the prop from the MT8880 and have the number press displayed in the serial terminal.
I used some 2k6 resistors that i had in the pile. connected it all up to the prop and it works great. Thanks for the help.