The BoeBot by itself cannot make words. There are MP3 players that can be controlled by a Stamp. There are speech synthesizers that can be controlled by a Stamp. You can even program a Propeller (like the Propeller Backpack) to speak or sing in 4-part harmony. There's sample Propeller code for this in the Object Exchange although it would have to be modified a little to work with the Backpack.
I think a SpeakJet (single chip) would be a good choose too. SpeakJet is completely self contained, whit complex voice and sound synthesizer and unlimited ability of producing sound effects and speach. The SpeakJet can be controlled by a single I/O with UART serial (and also the Stand Alone ability)
The free software for the SpeakJet, when connected to a PC (Windows) through a serial port (UART) allows you to build and test phrases, sounds and much more...
- Stephen
- Stephen
The free software for the SpeakJet, when connected to a PC (Windows) through a serial port (UART) allows you to build and test phrases, sounds and much more...