eeprom for propeller
Just a smal question.
I normaly use an eeprom 24LC256.
I now got my hands on a lot 24LC128. I know they are saller in size.
Can I also use them to load the propeller Spin program in it.
Just a smal question.
I normaly use an eeprom 24LC256.
I now got my hands on a lot 24LC128. I know they are saller in size.
Can I also use them to load the propeller Spin program in it.
I don't think you can use them as device at address 0, i.e. for booting the propeller, because the boot loader expects to read 32KB and I don't know what happens when you try to read beyond the end of an EEPROM. It should be possible to have additional chips on higher addresses and read/write them with an I2C object.
Pullmoll's Propeller Projects
However, there will be a problem with the Spin tool writing the EEPROM.· It will write the first 16K OK, but then the second 16K will overwrite the first 16K.· You will need to write the 16K EEPROMs yourself.