Building libraries

There has been a fair amount of discussion about getting people into the Propeller, comparisons and contrasts with interrupt systems and our cog system.
Consider this:
We get to do that so easy! With the newer SD card code, and techniques used to load and run COGs from EEPROM, SD, etc... the whole task of blending objects together could go away, leaving clean I/O interfaces, which I would do as "hardware registers", or the mailbox contributed earlier.
Many of these library kits are out there for the other interrupt driven CPUs, and they offer various functions, much like objects do. They have clear interaction limits and timing constraints, where a lot of our stuff doesn't.
I'm mostly just posting this for a bit of idle discussion. Kind of thinking of packages, where there are binaries, core support code needed to make use of them, and board configurations that it all applies to. The minimum could be prop + EEPROM.
Seems to me, those packages, given some light SPIN methods (procedures), to interact with the various services provided, along with a memory map, as in put yer code right here, and it's gotta be this big, might attract the attention of those tinkerer artist types, who just want to run smaller amounts of code to do stuff with.
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Wondering how to set tile colors in the graphics_demo.spin?
Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!
Consider this:
We get to do that so easy! With the newer SD card code, and techniques used to load and run COGs from EEPROM, SD, etc... the whole task of blending objects together could go away, leaving clean I/O interfaces, which I would do as "hardware registers", or the mailbox contributed earlier.
Many of these library kits are out there for the other interrupt driven CPUs, and they offer various functions, much like objects do. They have clear interaction limits and timing constraints, where a lot of our stuff doesn't.
I'm mostly just posting this for a bit of idle discussion. Kind of thinking of packages, where there are binaries, core support code needed to make use of them, and board configurations that it all applies to. The minimum could be prop + EEPROM.
Seems to me, those packages, given some light SPIN methods (procedures), to interact with the various services provided, along with a memory map, as in put yer code right here, and it's gotta be this big, might attract the attention of those tinkerer artist types, who just want to run smaller amounts of code to do stuff with.
Propeller Wiki: Share the coolness!
8x8 color 80 Column NTSC Text Object
Wondering how to set tile colors in the graphics_demo.spin?
Safety Tip: Life is as good as YOU think it is!