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interfacing serial RFID reader with computer using parallax's schematic (RS-232 — Parallax Forums

interfacing serial RFID reader with computer using parallax's schematic (RS-232

eternalisteternalist Posts: 8
edited 2010-08-08 07:06 in Accessories
I CANNOT GET THIS TO WORK!· Its bothering me because its only three components!· Where can I be going wrong?· I've built this thing twice and can't get any response from hyperterminal.· If anyone has had this problem please describe how you've overcome this.· I can get the RFID reader to be powered up and in the correct mode to read but it all goes to hell somewhere between there and hyperterminal on the PC.· I don't have a serial cable so I created one from parts from radio shack.· Is this a problem?·I included only the Rx and Gnd wires to connect to the PC.· I'm fairly new to all of this, and electronics in general but I'd rather do it this way than buy the USB version.· I feel that the serial version is more versitile for other applications.· Did I misunderstand the purpose of the schematic or am I doing something wrong?· I can tell that the reader is correctly reading cards because I can hear the code when I connect a continuity meter.· I can make out the 'blips that are the code and I believe I got the transistor connected right.· I'll try to post some pics of the crappy circuit board I made (please·don't laugh at its amature appeareance!).· This actually would·be the third time if you counted the breadboard I did·this schematic on·as well.· Any·ideas??·Maybe some computer suggestions to test the serial port?· Windows says its all good though.· I'm baffled and frustrated.· Thanks in advance!
- Ben


  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-06-18 01:14
    Have you read this thread?

    and used this interface?

    a drawing of your interface would help.


    eternalist said...
    I CANNOT GET THIS TO WORK!· Its bothering me because its only three components!· Where can I be going wrong?· I've built this thing twice and can't get any response from hyperterminal.· If anyone has had this problem please describe how you've overcome this.· I can get the RFID reader to be powered up and in the correct mode to read but it all goes to hell somewhere between there and hyperterminal on the PC.· I don't have a serial cable so I created one from parts from radio shack.· Is this a problem?·I included only the Rx and Gnd wires to connect to the PC.· I'm fairly new to all of this, and electronics in general but I'd rather do it this way than buy the USB version.· I feel that the serial version is more versitile for other applications.· Did I misunderstand the purpose of the schematic or am I doing something wrong?· I can tell that the reader is correctly reading cards because I can hear the code when I connect a continuity meter.· I can make out the 'blips that are the code and I believe I got the transistor connected right.· I'll try to post some pics of the crappy circuit board I made (please·don't laugh at its amature appeareance!).· This actually would·be the third time if you counted the breadboard I did·this schematic on·as well.· Any·ideas??·Maybe some computer suggestions to test the serial port?· Windows says its all good though.· I'm baffled and frustrated.· Thanks in advance!
    - Ben
  • neos2k1neos2k1 Posts: 1
    edited 2010-08-08 05:17

    I can't access any of those 2 links.
    Could you please post the serial schematic interface ?

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