PropGFX Lite module's use with TV video
Has anyone had any luck getting a good video lock using a PropGFX Lite module. I won one a couple years ago at UPENE and am just getting around to learning how to use it. Seeing how it was made in U.K., I thought maybe it was setup for PAL standard instead of NTSC video. Are there any free canned spin programs out there that I can try on this puppy. I think I have the pinout figured out and have program blinking Hello World LED on pin P0. Also, have known working TV composite video hooked up that works on my Prop Demo board using TV_Text_Demo.spin and it looks like I'm getting something rolling and white noise bars, but not locking. If I try HEL_GFX_ENGINE_040.SPIN that I got off one of the forums, I get a screen that looks like old analog TV that doesn't have a channel to receive. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me, don't want to reinvent the wheel; already spent too much time on this. Thanks
Post Edited (CRocket) : 8/3/2010 9:10:21 AM GMT
Post Edited (CRocket) : 8/3/2010 9:10:21 AM GMT
have fun,
PS· Add a Subject Line so people know what your needs are.
Post Edited (hover1) : 6/16/2010 8:58:33 PM GMT
Just a quick few questions.
1. Have you re-programmed the eeprom on it?
2. Do you realise it's also got a 6Mhz crystal, not 5Mhz like proto/demo boards.
Once you've answered these, I have a few more questions [noparse]:)[/noparse]
BTW, I have lots of example code to show you how to use that puppy [noparse]:D[/noparse] lol
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Heading) I'm a newbie, just learned how to add heading after the fact.
1) Yes, probably several times; I have P0 LED blinking right now.
2) No, I wasn't aware of the 6MHz. All I have is the pinout.
Thank You for your help.
Heading) I'm a newbie, just learned how to add heading after the fact.
1) Yes, probably several times; I have P0 LED blinking right now.
2) No, I wasn't aware of the 6MHz. All I have is the pinout.
Thank You for your help.
my other questions...
1. Did you re-program the eeprom on the PropGFX?
2. the programs that you sent to it for TV, were they 5Mhz apps?, as I'm taking it you were programming it through the the rx/tx pins? using a form of prop plug?
3. Did you know you don't need to program the PropGFX, it already has it's programming in it, you just need to feed it information over the 2 serial pins or 2 serial pins for control + 8bit databus?
once again, once you answer these, we can go to the next stage [noparse]:D[/noparse]
PS, I'll try to reply sooner.
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1) Yes, I programmed it with pins 5-8 (RX,TX,RESn,GND) with Prop Plug.
2) Yes, I'm using a 5MHz xtal with CONstants as follows:
3) The answer may be, possibly, but at the time I made that decision, information in my mind was hard to come by. When you say "over the 2 serial pins
+ 8bit databus", do you mean P24/P25 + P16-P23? Is it too later to recover from this or should I just move on and use PropGFX as very compact
Propeller Proto Board?
4) Am I correct that I have access to P4-11, P16-25, and P30-31; P0 is dedicated Green LED and P12-15 is dedicated TV output?
Thanks again for your help Jim.
and yes, P16-P23+P24+P25 was for databus, and serial comms
and yes, iirc, you have access to those pins, and P0 is dedicated Green LED, and P12-15 is TV output
Glad to help btw.
as for it's PropGFX ability, that's gone now that you re-programmed the eeprom on it [noparse]:([/noparse]
however, if you send it to Coley ( PM him for his details ) we can re-program it with the latest PropGFX firmware, and send it back to you, along with the documentation that's going to be released when we finally get this puppy to market.
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Jim, I had a feeling that you were going to tell me that and thanks for the reprogramming offer. I might take you up on that. But seeing how I'm at the point that I am, I still can't get composite video out the RCA Jack so TV will lock using normal Propeller Demo Board methods. Any ideas? Also, any idea what the price tag will be when this goes to market. I realize now, that the onboard s/w was where much of the inherent value was, sorry.
As for a display driver, are you using the correct TV pins 12 to 15 ( usually %001_0101 in the tv_pins variable and not %011_0000 which is pins 24-27 )
Oh and don't forget it's 96 Mhz, not 80 [noparse]:)[/noparse] so XIN is 6_000_000 and PLL16X
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