SERIN/OUT help w/ PropBasic
Hello All:
·I'm trying to nail down SERIN/OUT with PropBasic. I think I have the SEROUT Pin, Baudmode, Part down pat. But the [noparse][[/noparse] value | Srting | Label1] is still confusing to me. I can send " " quoted text, But if I try to send a VAR or CON it will not compile.
What am I missing?
In the end I would like to read in a shift/in reg. and send the data out to a serial device on a Prop pin.
So I need to master the serial function with PropBasic.
I have attched the PropCode.
I have done all of this with a BS2. The Prop is another learning curve.
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
want speed?·want·to use the Propeller?·want to stay with BASIC___www.propbasic.com___
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.
·I'm trying to nail down SERIN/OUT with PropBasic. I think I have the SEROUT Pin, Baudmode, Part down pat. But the [noparse][[/noparse] value | Srting | Label1] is still confusing to me. I can send " " quoted text, But if I try to send a VAR or CON it will not compile.
What am I missing?
In the end I would like to read in a shift/in reg. and send the data out to a serial device on a Prop pin.
So I need to master the serial function with PropBasic.
I have attched the PropCode.
I have done all of this with a BS2. The Prop is another learning curve.
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
want speed?·want·to use the Propeller?·want to stay with BASIC___www.propbasic.com___
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA