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Initiating new cogs - Newbie question! — Parallax Forums

Initiating new cogs - Newbie question!

roboticsrobotics Posts: 90
edited 2010-06-15 02:13 in Propeller 1

I understand that the cognew and coginit commands many be used to initiate code to run in new cogs as long as stack space is also specified in the CON block.

However, I have seen examples such as in the Propeller Tool Help->Propeller Help-->Spin Programming Tutorial-->Spin Exercise 7-1:Blinker2.spin example (below) that shows cogs being initiated without using the cognew or coginit commands and without the use of specifying stack space for each cog. Please explain. In advance, thank you!

{{ Blinker2.spin }}

MAXLEDS = 6 'Number of LED objects to use

LED[noparse][[/noparse]6] : "Output"

PUB Main
{Toggle pins at different rates, simultaneously}

dira[noparse][[/noparse]16..23]~~ 'Set pins to outputs
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(16, 3_000_000, 0) 'Blink LEDs
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(17, 2_000_000, 0)
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(18, 600_000, 300)
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(19, 6_000_000, 40)
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(20, 350_000, 300)
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(21, 1_250_000, 250)
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(22, 750_000, 200) '<-Postponed
LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(23, 400_000, 160) '<-Postponed
LED[noparse][[/noparse]0].Start(20, 12_000_000, 0) 'Restart object 0
repeat 'Loop endlessly

PUB NextObject : Index
{Scan LED objects and return index of next available LED object.
Scanning continues until one is available.}

repeat Index from 0 to MAXLEDS-1
if not LED[noparse][[/noparse]Index].Active
while Index == MAXLEDS


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2010-06-15 02:09
    robotics said...
    However, I have seen examples such as in the Propeller Tool Help->Propeller Help-->Spin Programming Tutorial-->Spin Exercise 7-1:Blinker2.spin example (below) that shows cogs being initiated without using the cognew or coginit commands and without the use of specifying stack space for each cog.
    It may appear that way but if you look closely you'll find that LED[noparse][[/noparse]NextObject].Start(16, 3_000_000, 0) calls that Start method of the Output object. The latter does all the cognew business.
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2010-06-15 02:10
    It is calling output which is this...

    {{ Output.spin }}

    · long· Stack[noparse][[/noparse]9]····················· 'Stack space for new cog
    · byte· Cog·························· 'Hold ID of cog in use, if any

    PUB Start(Pin, Delay, Count): Success
    {{Start new blinking process in new cog; return TRUE if successful}}

    · Stop
    · Success := (Cog := cognew(Toggle(Pin, Delay, Count), @Stack) + 1)

    PUB Stop
    {{Stop toggling process, if any.}}

    · if Cog
    ··· cogstop(Cog~ - 1)

    PUB Active: YesNo
    {{Return TRUE if process is active, FALSE otherwise.}}

    · YesNo := Cog > 0

    PUB Toggle(Pin, Delay, Count)
    {{Toggle Pin, Count times with Delay clock cycles in between.
    · If Count = 0, toggle Pin forever.}}

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]Pin]~~························· 'Set I/O pin to output…
    · repeat······························ 'Repeat the following
    ··· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]Pin]························ '· Toggle I/O Pin
    ··· waitcnt(Delay + cnt)·············· '· Wait for Delay cycles
    · while Count := --Count #> -1········ 'While not 0 (make min -1)
    · Cog~································ 'Clear Cog ID variable
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2010-06-15 02:13
    FYI in the following directory on my PC...

    C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\Propeller Tool v1.2.7 (R2)\Examples\Help\Spin Tutorial\Exercise 07-1

    ...are two files...


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