DS1302, DS1307, DS32Khz - What do I need to use TIME within BS2 finally?
Posts: 86
Hi! I've been trying my best to use time with the StampDock software, to no prevail! I want to really do know what i do need in order to be able to have:
-Time on a chip that I can use with BS2
-Being one that has BATTERY BACKUP
I am hearing all the things about DS1302, then 1307, then DS32Khz (???), please help me - which of those, a combination, or just one, or whatever, and what type of battery do I need to order so I can just end up having all required parts in front of me?
-Time on a chip that I can use with BS2
-Being one that has BATTERY BACKUP
I am hearing all the things about DS1302, then 1307, then DS32Khz (???), please help me - which of those, a combination, or just one, or whatever, and what type of battery do I need to order so I can just end up having all required parts in front of me?
You can buy ready made little printed circuit boards with a DS1302 or DS1307 and a crystal and sometimes a backup battery as well. SparkFun sells one with a DS1307. There's sample code in one of the Nuts and Volts Columns on using an I2C device with a BS2 like on the HomeWork board ("I2C Fun for Everyone").
- Stephen
I posted this yesterday "Code for bs2p40 w/DS1307 timestamp clock w/user control."
I spent some tinme on the 1302 but quickly gave it up because it didn't appear to be a fully integrated Date & time clock that ran independently, was programmable, machine readable·and kept time as well as date, including a 24 hour clock·and leap year compensation.· The 1307 does all that so I chose the DS1307, then I realized Parallax did as well.· When I started my project I bought the Parallax Professional Development Board (PDB) part number 28138.· The PDB comes complete with·a DS1307 and is fully integrated with the microcontroller circuit.· Communicating with the 1307 requires understanding the I2C communication protocol.· Fortunately Parallax has solved this for you by including the I2CIN and I2COUT commands within the BS2 product capabilities.· Sincerely, go look at my posting from yesterday.·
If you don't understand timers and crystal oscillators·you need to take a few more basic electronics courses.· Tell me about your development environment, I'll see if I can point you in the right direction.·
There is also a directive which will allow a Sparkfun serial LCD to show the time - just uncomment the #DEFINE UseLCD
If a "y" is not entered in the DEBUGIN window, code setting the clock·is skipped...