Communication Error - Unable to Open com##
Hi all,
I'm new to the Propeller but have had a bit of a play with the SX in the past.· I must say I am very impressed with the Propeller - makes many projects far more accessible than when using the SX.
However, unfortunately I haven't got very far with my Prop.· When trying to identify or load a program to the·propeller using the Propeller Tool and a Propeller Professional Development Board, I receive an error box titled "Communication Error".· The error goes on to say:
No propeller chip found on any serial port.
Unable to open com##.
(Where ## is the com port that is dedicated to the PPDB).
I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad X61 running Vista Business.· Yes I have anti-virus software·and Windows firewall but switching these off and disconnecting from the internet makes no difference to the problem.
Interestingly, if I disconnect the USB cable from my laptop, wait for a few seconds and then plug it in again (TX/RX lights on the PPDB flash a couple of times) and then I try the identify function or try loading a program within about 5 seconds of plugging the USB cable back in, it works perfectly.· If I try the identify or to load a program again then I get the error again.· Also if I wait for more than about 5 seconds after plugging in the USB cable then·I also get the error.
Can anyone shed some light on the issue and offer a cure?· I'd really like to avoid suggestions like building a dedicated Windows 98 machine or something as it really is a very practical solution for me.
I'm new to the Propeller but have had a bit of a play with the SX in the past.· I must say I am very impressed with the Propeller - makes many projects far more accessible than when using the SX.
However, unfortunately I haven't got very far with my Prop.· When trying to identify or load a program to the·propeller using the Propeller Tool and a Propeller Professional Development Board, I receive an error box titled "Communication Error".· The error goes on to say:
No propeller chip found on any serial port.
Unable to open com##.
(Where ## is the com port that is dedicated to the PPDB).
I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad X61 running Vista Business.· Yes I have anti-virus software·and Windows firewall but switching these off and disconnecting from the internet makes no difference to the problem.
Interestingly, if I disconnect the USB cable from my laptop, wait for a few seconds and then plug it in again (TX/RX lights on the PPDB flash a couple of times) and then I try the identify function or try loading a program within about 5 seconds of plugging the USB cable back in, it works perfectly.· If I try the identify or to load a program again then I get the error again.· Also if I wait for more than about 5 seconds after plugging in the USB cable then·I also get the error.
Can anyone shed some light on the issue and offer a cure?· I'd really like to avoid suggestions like building a dedicated Windows 98 machine or something as it really is a very practical solution for me.
Also, because of the delay, it may be a power issue. Check the heat of the regulators. Are you running it off batteries? Do you have any circuits connected to the Propeller? I'm running my PPDB off a 9V, 300mA Sceptre power supply from Parallax. I've found that I've had this problem when I use less milliamps. The USB circuit is fine, as the COM port is showing, just with an error message. I'm thinking maybe the Prop isn't getting enough power.
However, (option 2 here) close all other programs and make sure nothing is blocking the serial port. If you have another program running that is using that port then it will not open. As I said, maybe it's your drivers.
Hope this helps,
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There is a troubleshooting section in the PE Labs Book for this error on Pages 37-39:
PDF File:
Good luck,
Have You tried a different USB cable. I had ( from what you described ) the same thing happen to me with my Parallax USB Oscope. I tried a different USB cable and it worked like a champ.
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I'm using a 9V 2.5A power supply so I hope that power to the Prop is not the issue (you never know).
I've tried two USB cables so far but I will give another couple a go just to be sure.
I'll check out the trouble shooting notes in the PE Labs Fun Book next....
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Thanks for your suggestions.· Looks like it is in fact due to my Vista machine!· I installed the propeller tool onto an XP machine and everything works as it should there.
I'd really like to get it going on my Visa machine however as the XP machine is the family workhorse whereas the Vista one is my work/play machine.
I've tried uninstalling everything (Propeller tool and separately uninstalling FTDI drivers from "Add and Remove Programs") but still no luck.
If anyone comes up with a solution for Vista, I'd love to here it.