Open source project. Using USB memory stick, USB joysticks, SD cards, file syst
This is an open source hardware/software project (FEZ Gameo) that combines the power of propeller (video, audio, sprites... more) with FEZ Domino (Visual Studio, C#, full file system, USB host, USB device, serial, SPI, I2C, ADC, DAC...many more!). It is still in a very early stage and your comments and contributions are appreciated.
Basically, the propeller will handle audio, video, sprites...etc on its all 8 cogs. Then, USBizi can run high level managed code in C# using free Visual Studio express. You will have threading, file system, USB devices...just too many tings to list here. You can even connect a USB guitar hero, XBOX or PS3 controllers...even connect an NXT lego robot!!
The project is an early stage so the "proof of concept" video is not very exciting but hopefully, with your contribution, this can be a cool retro gaming console that is programmed in C# (and Visual Basic in future)!
A prof of concept video
The project wiki is at
The discussion board for the project
This is a quick video on FEZ Domino
FEZ Domino with RockBand stage kit
A book covering C# and NETMF
If you have experience in propeller and would like to contribute, the GHI team may have a free board for you
See this
Basically, the propeller will handle audio, video, sprites...etc on its all 8 cogs. Then, USBizi can run high level managed code in C# using free Visual Studio express. You will have threading, file system, USB devices...just too many tings to list here. You can even connect a USB guitar hero, XBOX or PS3 controllers...even connect an NXT lego robot!!
The project is an early stage so the "proof of concept" video is not very exciting but hopefully, with your contribution, this can be a cool retro gaming console that is programmed in C# (and Visual Basic in future)!
A prof of concept video
The project wiki is at
The discussion board for the project
This is a quick video on FEZ Domino
FEZ Domino with RockBand stage kit
A book covering C# and NETMF
If you have experience in propeller and would like to contribute, the GHI team may have a free board for you

So what language is the primary unit being programmed in? I'm guessing C?
Propeller Feature Projects:
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
@OBC : I've been toying with the idea of using Rayman's PSM as a media front end communicating with another propeller or Chameleon PIC via SPI and also replacing the FSRW on it with Kye's new SD object.
Will work for Propeller parts!
"blittled" you are more than welcome if you like to contribute to the project.
The backpack was selected for only one reason. The TX/RX pins used for programming are exposed on this board. The next step is to load the propeller firmware right from FEZ (internal resource or SD card). This saves on the need for eeprom and makes the firmware more dynamic. The other boards are more common and they may have more exposed pins but the pins we need for programming the propeller are not exposed. Am I correct?
Anyway, at the end this will be a design with everything on-board, no need of backpack or anything else.
Will work for Propeller parts!
It is small and cute though with some A/V outputs.
Here's a page I keep with pictures of lots of Propeller based boards (more to come) that I'm targeting for my project: Your project could use them too.
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
Post Edited (jazzed) : 6/12/2010 11:12:43 PM GMT
the propeller must use specific pins to load firmware on power up (pins 30 and 31 I think). Those pins are exposed on the backpack but on all other boards they are connected to FTDI USB<->serial chipset.
Studying this further, I think it is better to place a loader inside the propeller and then we can use any pins we like to and any protocol we prefer. The 3 bit propeller use for the built in loader is not very friendly. Even the backpack itself has its own loader (monitor).
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ E-mail: mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com
My products: Morpheus / Mem+ / PropCade / FlexMem / VMCOG / Propteus / Proteus / SerPlug
and 6.250MHz Crystals to run Propellers at 100MHz & 5.0" OEM TFT VGA LCD modules
Las - Large model assembler Largos - upcoming nano operating system
I looked at Steve's page to see what is the best hardware to use for prototyping and, since we need video/audio, the best option will be the backpack or the propeller demo board. The other boards are either not very common or do not have video output...yes yes you can add video to any circuit but I am trying to make this as easy to prototype as possible.
Comments are welcome
Will work for Propeller parts!
Post Edited (blittled) : 6/14/2010 3:07:06 AM GMT
Another good reason to use the standard "propeller demo board" plus most users will probably own one. The backpack has some extra circuitry that is cool for some projects but I am not seeing this being very useful in a gaming system.
For me, the past is not over yet.
I tried to download the SDK to see if the CLR source was included but it was a Setup.exe and an *.msi file. If the entire CLR and library source is available and unencumbered then it sounds very cool.
"I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!"
For me, the past is not over yet.
Now, porting NETMF is not easy but the good news is that USBizi has everything compiled and loaded so you can just use it but if someone has the experience and time then they can customize and compile NETMF an anyway they like.
"FEZ Gameo" itself is not meant to cover compiling/linking the NETMF system code, that would be too advanced for most users. It covers combining the power of USBizi chipset (USB host/ USB device, analog in and out, I2C, 2xSPI, 4xUART...and more) with a propeller (audio, video, critical timing). This can be done in 2 ways. You can think of the propeller as a salve device to handle audio/video or you can think of USBizi as a slave device to handle USB joysticks....since software/hardware are all open then you can select to where your core game will run...maybe a spin game on propeller or a C# game on USBizi. Either way, with having both of these together, you will have far more options than having just one or another.
The USBizi is I understand an NXP LPC2388, which are available at fairly low cost for integration to propeller platforms. Are you putting the associated USB code etc. into the public domain as open source ?
The Microsoft .NET MF license is another isuue, but it would be good to get a clear understanding of the GHI perspective, before generous contibutions of open propeller software. Do you represent GHI ?
When the project is complete, you can run it on USBizi or run it on any hardware running NETMF....even your own LPC2388 implementation. But again, this would be too much to cover in this small project which targets beginners.
No I do not represent GHI, just working on this project and I thought will see if someone else would like to contribute since this is going to be all available online anyway.
I wonder if the chip would sweat trying to run CLR .... I'm too busy to find out right now
Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM