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Problems using Serial Interface with Catalina — Parallax Forums

Problems using Serial Interface with Catalina

DamineitorDamineitor Posts: 8
edited 2010-06-10 12:47 in Propeller 1
Hello everybody,

I am a new propeller user and I have Catalina. I have managed to do really simple tasks such a toggling a pin and stuffs like that. However I can't send anything through serial interface using any of the stdio.h library functions such as printf() and putchar(). I am not being able to see the "Hello world" message that should appear when you run hello_wolrd.c from the Catalina's demos directory

I have the Propeller-Stick by the way, and in building options I have the following:

variant =
model = 0
platform = DEMO (Because this platform has the same crystal and pll configuration as the Prop-stick)
memsize = 32k

And this is the simple program am loading into the prop

#include <stdio.h>

void main () {
while (1)

Is there any additional serial configuration that I should do, or it is just enough to include the stdio.h library? or maybe it is a problem with the plaform?

I look forward to reading any suggestion guys,
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