MCP3202 Problems
I have the Parallax 2-axis joystick connected to a MCP3202 12-bit ADC. I am using MCP3202.spin and MCP3202_Demo.spin by Ken and Chip Gracey. I have my ADC connected to P16, P17, and P18 and have modified the code to match. On the Parallax Serial Terminal, the output from both channels is always 0. I have connected the joystick and ADC to a BS2 with the PBASIC demo code and it works on it. I would like to use it on the Propeller but haven't figured out what I am doing wrong.
I know this stuff is kind of obvious, but its usually something simple like this. I've used the MCP3304 with great results with the Prop so happy to assist where practical
John Abshier
I wondered if my problem may have been an error in the program. I do have DO and DI bridged. I do have changing voltages from the joystick at the CH0 and CH1 inputs. When I had it hooked up to the BS2, I got changing voltages on the debug screen while moving the joystick.