Propeller 1 / II Misc. questions
Hey, I'm new to the Parallax Community! And, yes, I have used Propeller 1 (P8X32A Ver. 1)
chip. I like this chip a ton better than PICs. (Except the 80186-based microcontroller do
come closer to simplicity of programming like Propeller chip.)
I'm a bit curious, when I read some of the older threads about the upcoming Propeller II chip.
I'm wondering about the complexity of the COGs (its internal CPU engines, of course),
when Chip and the others said it will be pipelined up to 4x (possibly four 32-bit ALUs)
would the COG be superscalar (like older, original Pentium processor) or just simply
pipelined like a 80486 CPU? And, I was thinking that if the COGs are made to be
out-of-order processor internally, while hub access control / address request remains
in-order, it would be nice to have some extra raw horsepower,·but I'm feeling that it may be
made on later version of Propeller II (made on 90nm SOI process) or new Propeller III
(made on either 90nm SOI or 45nm Hi-k Metal Gate [noparse][[/noparse]HkMG]·process). I'm looking forward
to·be using that new Propeller II chip, as what I read, should be a great·additional to
Propeller family.
Oh, and one more thing, would Propeller II, by any chance, have the FPU circuitries
etched along COG's CPU core? If so, that would eliminate having to buy an expensive DSP
or FPU chips, or to eat up precious board space.
chip. I like this chip a ton better than PICs. (Except the 80186-based microcontroller do
come closer to simplicity of programming like Propeller chip.)
I'm a bit curious, when I read some of the older threads about the upcoming Propeller II chip.
I'm wondering about the complexity of the COGs (its internal CPU engines, of course),
when Chip and the others said it will be pipelined up to 4x (possibly four 32-bit ALUs)
would the COG be superscalar (like older, original Pentium processor) or just simply
pipelined like a 80486 CPU? And, I was thinking that if the COGs are made to be
out-of-order processor internally, while hub access control / address request remains
in-order, it would be nice to have some extra raw horsepower,·but I'm feeling that it may be
made on later version of Propeller II (made on 90nm SOI process) or new Propeller III
(made on either 90nm SOI or 45nm Hi-k Metal Gate [noparse][[/noparse]HkMG]·process). I'm looking forward
to·be using that new Propeller II chip, as what I read, should be a great·additional to
Propeller family.
Oh, and one more thing, would Propeller II, by any chance, have the FPU circuitries
etched along COG's CPU core? If so, that would eliminate having to buy an expensive DSP
or FPU chips, or to eat up precious board space.
Regarding your question at the end, I believe Prop II will have something called Cordic, which is supposed to magically do a lot of math functions without tables.
Also, there will be hardware multiply, single cycle 16x16 bit, as I recall.
But, I don't think any of that is in floating point, so no "real" FPU.
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Although I am curious about one thing: How the COGs will deal with their data.
Would it be in-order or out-of-order? (if it's the OOOE processor, then the only exception would be the HUB which will remain in-order).
Why did I ask about the FPU? I thought it would be nice to have hardware floating-point to deal with whatever is thrown at the Propeller II. (As a side note, Pi contrast in 64-bit floating-point chunks aren't so nice to even the powerful CPU, Phenom II X6.)
Oh well, I would just write PropSIMD floating-point software (providing that the COGs would handle internal OOO operation, this software may even be able to take advantage of four 64-bit ALUs, much faster than what's possible with Propeller I).
Did I start that rumour? A couple of times I have half jokingly proposed a 64 bit Prop just so we could have much bigger PASM address space.
Anyone have a link to that funny post.
This thread is really to answer some of my burning question: what if I want to use Propeller II inside the PDA (to be used as a general processor - that will surely help a lot with MPEG4 or H.264 with PropSIMD running) - about the IO, I will use psuedo-spread spectrum signaling (kinda like Hypertransport on Apples PowerMac G5's PowerPC G5 CPU) to be linked with FPGA being used as both 3D GPU and north/southbridge (to provide spaces on DDRII and to provide link to outside world, such as USB 2.0 / 3.0 ports that I can use to back up my files onto external hard drive). Just wanted some basic inner-working questions done so I can write the OS properly (as of what to except in software and hardwares - I kinda doubt the COG will have branch prediction, so i will have to treat it as a VLIW processor to keep the OS from crashing.)
Remember also that the Prop II will be limited to 496 long words of instructions / data per cog just like the Prop I. That limits the size and complexity of the algorithms to be programmed without a loss of speed from using some kind of interpreter (and its overhead).
I am fully aware that it have limitation, however, the rule can be smashed, as long as you have the understanding of what the Propeller II will work with the IO and the boot firmware (as noted, I am going to treat it as a VLIW processor anyways. Oh yeah, I will include PropSIMD to help with complex math too - software floating point on steroid. There are many thing I will have to make of, like virtual IRQ nested vectors - there are plentiful of horsepower on the chip already).
Plus, it's not impossible to run uCLinux on it. (Luminary Micro Cortex M3 LM3S102 has only 2KB RAM and yet, uCLinux worked fine on it. AND I would never be too surprised if I see a bootscreen from uCLinux on Propeller I / II chip connected via VGA monitor.)
But while on the subject of VLIW processors, is it too soon to be thinking about a VLIW Prop ]I[? Superscalar execution is certainly not in the philosophy of the Prop, being expensive in both design costs and silicon real estate, but VLIW designs are frugal, particularly if you have a model like TI's, where the instruction size only grows if you have another instruction that can be run concurrently with the first one. It would probably be possible to have an assembly language which is backward compatible with Prop ][ PASM. This would give another level of parallelism on the Prop, a very fine-grained level to complement multi-cog parallelism.
This is yet another thought spawned by the thread about the texture mapping op-code on the Prop ][. If you're doing 3D on the Prop, you have to project from camera coordinates to screen coordinates and that takes a divide, a fairly expensive operation. Why not amortize that cost by doing the divide simultaneously with a (transform matrix) x (vertex vector) multiplication? Food for thought anyway.
As noted, I will have to test it on prototype board first. (Keepin' the problems on basic level.)
There's no way to develop software for the Prop II as yet. We don't even know the format of some of the new instructions. The boot firmware isn't written. It's been suggested that the boot firmware will be able to boot from an SD card, but this isn't firm yet.
Oh well. There are much more useful things to do with Propeller I, though, like for DPSS laser driver board and many other, but not computing... (HUB RAM and the internal constructions of the COG really get in the way...)
BTW, I had fun driving the RGB LED, toggling it so fast I get pinkish white (pulsing it as far as I can!) - and I noticed if I programmed it to do ultra short flash, it would flash very dim, with the LED "on" being 1:1000, "off" being super-duper long - shall I say, "weird"? I know, because it's of the LED's "I^R" current compensation effects - Gallium Nitride (Green to Vacuum UV) being a bit more sensitive than Gallium Arsenide (Red and IR)... I did drive red LED straight to 3.3 Volts with transistor, it did flash brightly without a harm (no blackened spot on LED die) - it's interesting.
And, yes, anyone can build a programmable inverter with it. I did this, with an ignitor transformer being driven by Propeller chip tied to Base of Darlington transistor (via 1 kiloohms resistor to avoid frying it) - it produced 1,000 volts throughout to LED via 1 megaohms resistor across secondary coil's charge pump circuitry (and it's disabled because the current's flowing to the LED, and have nothing left to charge the capacitors in it).