How to send BIN# using SEROUT w/ PropBasic?
Hello All
·I would like to send BIN#s out with the SEROUT command to a RF TX unit (Parallax p# 27980). I did this with ease with the BS2, But I seem to be missing something with the Prop and PropBasic. The BIN#s are one BYTE wide and all start with a 0. Something Like this "%0011_0011".
·All·I see is zeros from the TxPin to the RF unit with my O-scope.Sometimes I'll see a "1" but it seems to be random.
"··· Baud CON· "T9600"··································· "
'··· TxPin PIN· 20 LOW····· ' HIGH· makes not diff.· "
"··· node·VAR·· Long······································· ·"
"·· PROGRAM Start·········································· "
" Main:························································· "
"····· DO······················································· "
"········ node = %0011_0011···························· "
"········ SEROUT TxPin, Baud, node···················· "
"········ PAUSE 1000········································ "
"····· LOOP···················································· "
Their isn't a whole lot of info yet in the DOC.s for SERIN/SEROUT, So I don't have a lot to drop back on.
Any info on how to send Bin#s or an example code of SEROUT sending BIN#s would be great.
Thanks in advance
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.·
·I would like to send BIN#s out with the SEROUT command to a RF TX unit (Parallax p# 27980). I did this with ease with the BS2, But I seem to be missing something with the Prop and PropBasic. The BIN#s are one BYTE wide and all start with a 0. Something Like this "%0011_0011".
·All·I see is zeros from the TxPin to the RF unit with my O-scope.Sometimes I'll see a "1" but it seems to be random.
"··· Baud CON· "T9600"··································· "
'··· TxPin PIN· 20 LOW····· ' HIGH· makes not diff.· "
"··· node·VAR·· Long······································· ·"
"·· PROGRAM Start·········································· "
" Main:························································· "
"····· DO······················································· "
"········ node = %0011_0011···························· "
"········ SEROUT TxPin, Baud, node···················· "
"········ PAUSE 1000········································ "
"····· LOOP···················································· "
Their isn't a whole lot of info yet in the DOC.s for SERIN/SEROUT, So I don't have a lot to drop back on.
Any info on how to send Bin#s or an example code of SEROUT sending BIN#s would be great.
Thanks in advance
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.·
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
·I see why all I was getting was zeros now.
After I figured out I needed the latest and greatest PropBasic 00.00.98 or higher, then I was able to run the tx_formatting.pbas with the·two .lib files.
I have 2 questions about tx_formatting.pbas: using PropBasic 00.01-68.exe
1: is the XIN setting of "XIN· 6_250_000", I assume you were using a 6.25mHz Xtal instead of a 5.0mHz xtal.?· With the 6.25mHz setting all I was getting was some Hieroglyphics. After I discovered this I changed the xin to "XIN 5_000_000" since I'm using the PropProBoard w/ a 5 mHz xtal. I this rite?
2: In the bst.TERM.or the PST·window is this what I should expect to see from tx_formatting.pbas ? I see the "Banner" start,But I'm not sure about the rest of it. I have attached a screen shot of tx_formatting,pbas running in the bstTERM.window.
Thanks Again
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 6/10/2010 12:31:47 AM GMT
That _looks_ like PST control codes being passed to the terminal. bst terminal is not yet compatible with the control codes used by PST.
"I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!"
Thanks for the feed back. I just ran a quickie w/ PST.exe and It does look a little better. I'm not sure what the program tx_formatting does exactly, I need some more study, only an hour or so rite now w/ tx_formatting.pbas
I think this will take Me a little while to get the hang of , But I like it.
Thanks for the bst by the way!!!!
The Truth is out there············___$WMc%___···························· BoogerWoods, FL. USA
You can feel stupid by asking a stupid question or You can be really·stupid by not asking at all.
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 6/10/2010 12:52:21 AM GMT
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA