Replacement Dishwasher brain
Purpose·Replacement Dishwasher brain
Author Sumdawgy
Started·27 Jan 2010·
Beta Ends·21 Apr 2010
Updated·28 Apr 2010
Comment·· Do NOT attempt if you haven't had any HI-Voltage-AC safety training.
Disclaimer:·· I do NOT take any responsibility towards ANY use of this project.· This is because, I have no control over your situation, ability or expertise.· As a direct result.... Any application you make of any part of this project is, AT YOUR OWN RISK.
················· <<<<<Thanks to Nuts & Voltz!! & my Brother Mitch>>>>>
The challenge.....
······· To build a working feature rich "Dishwasher Brain".· Using & constrained by, a BS1-IC.· As it turns out, a “fairly” feature rich unit is difficult but not impossible. From the start it was obvious that at least one, 8 bit Parallel to serial IC was required.· While that solves the output pins dilemma, the program space was· another issue. Avoiding IF-Then usage by using branch & lookup instead, helped. 'Resetting output data each prog loop also made tighter code.· With each Loop, the bits are reset to zero. Each run then only has to set the bits.· This is not normally the method used in a program.· But,· to save space, this method turned out to be required.· In the end, the Eeprom is fairly well packed. (100% packed see below.· Or load the program into your own editor.). However, I did manage to give the unit 6 modes.··
1---Drain··············· (03.0 minutes)
2---Rinse Only······ (15.0 minutes)
3---Wash·············· (46.5 minutes)
4---HeavyWash···· (63.0 minutes)
(5&6 repeat 3&4 respectively.. But with a 1.5 hour start delay)
···Since, this is a working application, I only need this device for one unit.· So, I don't intend to re-work/rebuild the boards/housing.· I consider this application, a working prototype.·
As of 05/19/10, I have these remaining issues:
1) Door sensor RJ-11 wire limits current, pull-up resistor needs an increased value.
···· Reads open randomly w/closed..Reads open correctly w/open.
2)BS1 self reset not yet tested/functional.
3)Random unpredictable RFI resets causing improper program termination.
4) Working on V2.0 of code.· Lookup of word data. (Lbyte=settings,Hbyte=time).· Allowing for far more precise sequence timing.· May have to sacrifice modes 5&6 to finalize fitting code into Eeprom.
What the fruits of my labor/insanity.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
Post Edited (sumdawgy) : 6/8/2010 8:00:41 PM GMT
Purpose·Replacement Dishwasher brain
Author Sumdawgy
Started·27 Jan 2010·
Beta Ends·21 Apr 2010
Updated·28 Apr 2010
Comment·· Do NOT attempt if you haven't had any HI-Voltage-AC safety training.
Disclaimer:·· I do NOT take any responsibility towards ANY use of this project.· This is because, I have no control over your situation, ability or expertise.· As a direct result.... Any application you make of any part of this project is, AT YOUR OWN RISK.
················· <<<<<Thanks to Nuts & Voltz!! & my Brother Mitch>>>>>
The challenge.....
······· To build a working feature rich "Dishwasher Brain".· Using & constrained by, a BS1-IC.· As it turns out, a “fairly” feature rich unit is difficult but not impossible. From the start it was obvious that at least one, 8 bit Parallel to serial IC was required.· While that solves the output pins dilemma, the program space was· another issue. Avoiding IF-Then usage by using branch & lookup instead, helped. 'Resetting output data each prog loop also made tighter code.· With each Loop, the bits are reset to zero. Each run then only has to set the bits.· This is not normally the method used in a program.· But,· to save space, this method turned out to be required.· In the end, the Eeprom is fairly well packed. (100% packed see below.· Or load the program into your own editor.). However, I did manage to give the unit 6 modes.··
1---Drain··············· (03.0 minutes)
2---Rinse Only······ (15.0 minutes)
3---Wash·············· (46.5 minutes)
4---HeavyWash···· (63.0 minutes)
(5&6 repeat 3&4 respectively.. But with a 1.5 hour start delay)
···Since, this is a working application, I only need this device for one unit.· So, I don't intend to re-work/rebuild the boards/housing.· I consider this application, a working prototype.·
As of 05/19/10, I have these remaining issues:
1) Door sensor RJ-11 wire limits current, pull-up resistor needs an increased value.
···· Reads open randomly w/closed..Reads open correctly w/open.
2)BS1 self reset not yet tested/functional.
3)Random unpredictable RFI resets causing improper program termination.
4) Working on V2.0 of code.· Lookup of word data. (Lbyte=settings,Hbyte=time).· Allowing for far more precise sequence timing.· May have to sacrifice modes 5&6 to finalize fitting code into Eeprom.
What the fruits of my labor/insanity.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
Post Edited (sumdawgy) : 6/8/2010 8:00:41 PM GMT
(EDIT) It also occured to me I neglected to document my VB5 debug apps.
Cues taken from [noparse][[/noparse]Column #131, March 2006 by Jon Williams:Wading the BS1 DEBUG Stream]
I created a debug app that lites up appropriately as the unit runs thru it's paces.
I will record a running copy and post it in the next 30 hours.· For the moment I'm submitting images of them.
One of the apps is being used for VER2.0 of the program.· It's a quick way of selecting bits & time then converting the data to the approriate byte/word data.· It's configured to convert from any of all 3·(word/byte/settings).· And then update the other 2 appropriately. {As an example, I selected a few bits and a random minute setting then ran a conversion.}
I'll Zip up the sources and post them as well.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
Post Edited (sumdawgy) : 6/7/2010 9:01:05 PM GMT
Not sure I'll have the recording up tonite but will try.
But here's the sources & working EXE files for my vb5 helper apps.\
Bear in mind that the debug app·is geared to the BS1.
The byte converter app·can be used for·many other applications ..obviously [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Working up the smallest code to convert to and from binary was a doozy....
the key was
If Int(n Mod 2) Then· (we've got a one!!)
then just N/2· and go again....(look familiar? )
For details look at Function Dec2Bin(ByVal n As Double, word As Boolean) As String.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
·I like the ·
I have one question
What made you built this was it just to see if you could do· ·
I know how this is I have done this my self
·Now wanting to learn Spin· Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
They wanted $135 for replacement brain. Since that was almost the cost of a new unit, we balked at that.· AND, since I'm house handyman, for this repair, we weren't even looking at additional service call $$.
Wife wanted to discard the washer for a new one. It's barely 2 years old & I balked at that.
So the agreement was, I had to build a replacement timed controller that our 13yr-old could run.·My prize....I get to buy more robotics toys later for my own personal whimsy.· Catch was, I had to use the· "lowest cost" stamp availiable.· hence my need to use the BS1-IC.· (Of course, I snuck in the purchase of a BS1-USB for prototyping.)
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
I'll dissasemble the front panel and post open/closed pix·this weekend.
I apologize for the delay on the debug vid...I've been a little busy with computer repairs.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, he'll be a mile away and barefoot. - unknown
My god, time flies.
And, if anyone cares, the random RFI issues turned out to 115vac arching across into 5vdc when the soap dish and drain fired. I screwed up the spacing. I finally found char on the board after a while.
self reset never done. fixing the arcing made it stable. Blew the bs1 so it won't reprogram tho. I'd have to solder in a new one to update it.
I used ver2 for a while but the longer words gave less modes and room. So I went back to ver1
[turns out....the upgrade sucked....(sound familiar?)]