Basic I2c Driver and DS1307 Coexist?

Hi, I am having problems using both the Basic I2C Driver and Kye's DS1307 RTC driver on the same pins P28 and P29.
The DS1307 object requires that both SDA and SCL pins are pulled up by 10k resistors, whereas the Basic I2C Driver assumes both pins are not pulled up at all.
My circuit has both pins pulled up by 10k resistors.
Before I initialized the Basic I2C Driver, the DS1307 RTC object works well.
As soon I i initialized the Basic I2C Driver to allow access to the 64k eeprom, the DS1307 access functions fail.
How do I modify the Basic I2C driver to coexist with the DS1307 RTC object?
FYI, Your code works well at 40Mhz and 20Mhz clock speeds.
Great object!.
The DS1307 object requires that both SDA and SCL pins are pulled up by 10k resistors, whereas the Basic I2C Driver assumes both pins are not pulled up at all.
My circuit has both pins pulled up by 10k resistors.
Before I initialized the Basic I2C Driver, the DS1307 RTC object works well.
As soon I i initialized the Basic I2C Driver to allow access to the 64k eeprom, the DS1307 access functions fail.
How do I modify the Basic I2C driver to coexist with the DS1307 RTC object?
FYI, Your code works well at 40Mhz and 20Mhz clock speeds.
Great object!.
Sounds like your just having the problem that one cog is trying to set a pin low while another cog is forcing it high...
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Note that James Burrows' i2cObjectv2 from the Object Exchange uses the same I2C I/O as Basic_I2C_Driver and includes objects for both the DS1307 and standard EEPROMs.
As far as I can tell, Kye's DS1307 driver also leaves the I/O pins in input mode between accesses to the DS1307 (as they should be).
If you call the Initialize routine in Basic_I2C_Driver, this assumes that some other Basic_I2C_Driver routine will be called next. The Initialize routine does not leave the SCL I/O pin in input mode. This is deliberate. The Initialize routine is only intended to be called once during program initialization and may not need to be called at all. Some I2C devices may be left in an undefined state, particularly if you use the Propeller's reset button and the reset occurs in the middle of an I2C access. The Initialize routine is intended to get you out of that situation without cycling power.
Basic_I2C_Driver and Kye's DS1307 driver should co-exist. There must be something else going on. Please list your code.
After I initialized the Basic I2c Driver, all accesses to the DS1307 clock like clock.getSeconds returns a zero value every time.
I think it might be because the Basic I2C driver leaves the SCL pin in output mode which the DS1307 object finds unacceptable.
As far as I can tell the read and write page functionality of the Basic_I2C driver also leave the pins in input mode.
Try using the ROMEngine online. (Its the generic EEPROM driver in the data storage section in the obex.) It does everything using open drain mode just like my RTC driver.
If you are just using the RAW 'Read' and 'Write' commands from the 'Basic_I2C_Driver' make sure that you issue a 'Stop' command when you are done. Otherwise the lines won't be released and you WILL have conflicts with another I2C driver using the same SDA and SCL lines.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
PRI startDataTransfer ' 3 Stack Longs
outa[noparse][[/noparse]Data_Pin]~ ' Added 2 lines to set the initial conditions
dira[noparse][[/noparse]constant(((Data_Pin <# 31) #> 0))] := true
dira[noparse][[/noparse]constant(((Clock_Pin <# 31) #> 0))] := true
Seems like the DS1307 driver expects both the outa[noparse][[/noparse]SDA] and outa[noparse][[/noparse]SCL] to be low before a transaction can work correctly.
Unfortunately, calling either eeprom.initalize(28) or eeprom.stop(28) leaves either the outa[noparse][[/noparse]SDA] or outa[noparse][[/noparse]SCL] in a high state, even though they are input,
causing the clock.getSeconds to return zero value everytime.
Unless outa[noparse][[/noparse]sda] and outa[noparse][[/noparse]scl] are set to low (it does not matter that the pins are in input state)
before clock.getSeconds is called, it will fail.
This is the conclusion of my tests.
Can anyone confirm this?
Post Edited (william chan) : 6/8/2010 12:27:30 AM GMT
I believe the I2C start sequence is supposed to begin with both lines pulled up, so I'm not sure why you had to add those lines to the DS1307 driver. I'll have to look at Kye's code more carefully when I have time.
Slightly OT but can some kind soul explain to me what the point of constant clipping is (for pin numbers)? I mean if I - by mistake - specify my pin as 42 I don't want it silently clipped to 31 (which is dangerous given the special function of said pin). I'd rather prefer compilation to fail (which is easy to do, non-constant parameters could obviously be checked at runtime).
It looks like you found the solution by clearing outa[noparse][[/noparse]Data_Pin] and outa[noparse][[/noparse]Clock_Pin].· Kye's driver seems to only toggle the dira pins.· I couldn't find any code that explicitly clears the outa pins.· Maybe it is done in another object.· The basic I2C driver will toggle the outa pins and the dira pins, so you will have to clear the outa pins before you can run Kye's driver again.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
If you plan on using the FATEngine however you're gonna want to use my I2C driver. Its be designed to have locking support and such for multiple copies of the FATEngine open at once using·multiple copies of the DS1307 driver.