Working with propeller servo controller
Mods: I'm not sure if this belongs in Basic Stamp (since the host is a BOE-BOT) or in Propeller (since the PSC uses a prop) so please feel free to move accordingly.
Hello everyone!
I'm working with the Propeller Servo Controller rev A with unmodified firmware to try and offload the servo pulse work to the PSC while the BS2 does other things and am hitting a snag. I can't make the servos "stop" at the end of the program or during the program's execution.
The goal is that the BOEBOT starts off facing one direction, moves forward 1 second, pauses 1 sec, turns right 90 degrees (ish) and then repeats to end up back where it started (basically forming a box). After either a "go forward" or a "turn right" maneuver, the BOEBOT is supposed to wait one second.
Here is the code for the BS2:
As shown above, I tried toggling the servo's enable states as well as giving them a position of 0 but neither option worked. (it is safe to assume that "pwstop" is type "WORD" and is initialized to value zero at start of program).
I appreciate any help with this as I'm trying to figure out how I can use the PSC in working with the Basic Stamp. My theory is that I can tell the PSC to travel in a given direction and leave the BS2 to monitor sensors, log data, etc... and tell the PSC to change course as needed without the BS2 having to drive the servos directly.
Thank you!
Hello everyone!
I'm working with the Propeller Servo Controller rev A with unmodified firmware to try and offload the servo pulse work to the PSC while the BS2 does other things and am hitting a snag. I can't make the servos "stop" at the end of the program or during the program's execution.
The goal is that the BOEBOT starts off facing one direction, moves forward 1 second, pauses 1 sec, turns right 90 degrees (ish) and then repeats to end up back where it started (basically forming a box). After either a "go forward" or a "turn right" maneuver, the BOEBOT is supposed to wait one second.
Here is the code for the BS2:
FOR looper = 1 TO 4 'Go forward pw1 = 1100 pw2 = 300 SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Lservo, 7, pw1.LOWBYTE, pw1.HIGHBYTE, CR] SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Rservo, 7, pw2.LOWBYTE, pw2.HIGHBYTE, CR] PAUSE 1000 GOSUB ResetServos 'Sleep for a second PAUSE 1000 'Turn Right pw1 = 300 pw2 = 1100 SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Lservo, 7, pw1.LOWBYTE, pw1.HIGHBYTE, CR] SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Rservo, 7, pw2.LOWBYTE, pw2.HIGHBYTE, CR] PAUSE 250 GOSUB ResetServos PAUSE 1000 NEXT DEBUG "ALL CLEAR TONE",CR FREQOUT 0,2000,3000 END ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- ResetServos: 'SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SCPSD", Lservo, CR] 'SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SCPSD", Rservo, CR] 'PAUSE 10 'SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SCPSE", Lservo, CR] 'SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SCPSE", Rservo, CR] SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Lservo, 7, pwstop.LOWBYTE, pwstop.HIGHBYTE , CR] SEROUT psc, Baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", Rservo, 7, pwstop.LOWBYTE, pwstop.HIGHBYTE , CR] PAUSE 10 RETURN
As shown above, I tried toggling the servo's enable states as well as giving them a position of 0 but neither option worked. (it is safe to assume that "pwstop" is type "WORD" and is initialized to value zero at start of program).
I appreciate any help with this as I'm trying to figure out how I can use the PSC in working with the Basic Stamp. My theory is that I can tell the PSC to travel in a given direction and leave the BS2 to monitor sensors, log data, etc... and tell the PSC to change course as needed without the BS2 having to drive the servos directly.
Thank you!
adjust for your particular servos..
That did the trick! I feel dumb. :P
Thank you for helping me out, now my BOE-BOT won't be falling off the table anytime soon.