Propeller code for the MCP3428 (16bit ADC with I2C)
···· I am looking for propeller code for the MCP3428, which is a 16-bit, ADC analog to digital converter with I2C. I was hoping to find somethig that worked with the basic_I2C_driver.spin.
···· Another ADC chip code, would be enough for me to get started with this project.
···· Thanks for any assistance,
···· Another ADC chip code, would be enough for me to get started with this project.
···· Thanks for any assistance,
···· I will post the code when I get it working.
···· thanks,
Im me if you need it now.
I will post the code here and on the OBEX when I can.
Do you mind sharing the code that you written for the device?
I am doing project on using the device I2C addressing to communicate with microchip IC.