Transmit Acknowledgement
I have a simple program that sends a byte of data from an XBEE transmitter to a receiver. First the PC sends the letter 'A' to a propeller. Once the prop receives an 'A', the transmitter XBEE sends the letter A to the receiver. Once the receiver receives the 'A', a '#' character is sent back to the transmitter. If the transmitter receives the '#' character in 30ms, a P is sent to the PC, standing for pass. If not, an F, is transmitted back.
I am having a problem where the programs sometimes work and sometimes do not. In other words the '#' char does not always make it back to the transmitter. I have a feeling it is a latency issue. I have tried delays is multiple places, but nothing works. What is going on?
I am having a problem where the programs sometimes work and sometimes do not. In other words the '#' char does not always make it back to the transmitter. I have a feeling it is a latency issue. I have tried delays is multiple places, but nothing works. What is going on?