Ford has "Toyota Issues" ?·· Fusion floor mat= stuck accelerator?
Sell your Ford stock now! Who knows how deep this rabbit hole goes...
I've heard some stories about runaway Stingray robots. Is Parallax liable for baseboard damage?·
·"If you build it, they will come."
Sell your Ford stock now! Who knows how deep this rabbit hole goes...
I've heard some stories about runaway Stingray robots. Is Parallax liable for baseboard damage?·

·"If you build it, they will come."
That may be so, but I don't recall ever hearing of any Toyota's with exploding gas tanks.
As I recall the main Toyota issue was a different one where there was an issue with the sensor on the gas pedal and some stupid mistakes/oversights in the firmware on the on board computers. The on board computer can tell when the brake is being applied. If it detects both then the brake should always win.....