UPEW: Staybridge Suites in Rocklin is filling up

I just made a few more reservations for UPEW visitors at Staybridge Suites in Rocklin. This hotel stands alone in the sub-$100 world, offering fantastic breakfast presentation, really clean rooms, free WiFi and close proximity to Parallax.
The hotel's host told me that they're just about filled to capacity for UPEW. I'm letting you know since the alternatives are about the same price but not nearly half as nice as Staybridge.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at http://twitter.com/ParallaxKen for some insider news.
I just made a few more reservations for UPEW visitors at Staybridge Suites in Rocklin. This hotel stands alone in the sub-$100 world, offering fantastic breakfast presentation, really clean rooms, free WiFi and close proximity to Parallax.
The hotel's host told me that they're just about filled to capacity for UPEW. I'm letting you know since the alternatives are about the same price but not nearly half as nice as Staybridge.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at http://twitter.com/ParallaxKen for some insider news.
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But, I did appreciate the free breakfast.
You almost need a GPS to find it though...
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Almost? I'd still be driving around looking for the place if I hadn't had a GPS with me!