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Propeller Pages ...

jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
edited 2010-06-04 17:18 in Propeller 1
Hello all,

I plan to open a new web-site in the following months dedicated to micro-controllers for software and "compatible" hardware. I'm building it from the ground up and am in the very early stages of it. There will be no bias for one micro controller over another or one language over another except for the lack of material ... sections will be added as I have time. I will also be asking for distribution rights for hardware from developers here and other places.

One section of the site is for the Propeller JVM ... I'm giving this priority because of interest from some professors I know.

I hope that you all can offer some opinions on site content for the Propeller JVM and specifically the Propeller page located at:



Propeller Pages
Propeller JVM


  • blittledblittled Posts: 681
    edited 2010-06-02 00:51
    I'm looking forward to your site. I was thinking of doing something similar since I have been working with the Propeller, Basic Stamp, Arduino, PIC, and a couple others

    Will work for Propeller parts!
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-06-02 01:23
    Nice start Steve!

    I was almost going to comment on the Propeller weaknesses untill I saw it was called the "Mythical Propeller Weaknesses" ·tongue.gif

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-06-03 00:32
    Thanks for your encouragement guys.

    Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2010-06-03 04:54
    Like the nice, clean look. My only suggestion would be to carry the menu bar from the main page over to the sub pages. It definitely does the job though, I now know much more about java on the prop. Have you looked at any domain names for your site? I'm still looking for that perfect domain name for my project pages.

    Andrew Williams
    WBA Consulting
    WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
    My Prop projects: Reverse Geo-Cache Box, Custom Metronome, Micro Plunge Logger
  • Nick McClickNick McClick Posts: 1,003
    edited 2010-06-03 04:56
    Looks great! Looks like you're focusing on having good, hi-quality content. I'm excited about a Prop JVM, too - I'd love to improve my Java skills.

    Propeller Forums RSS Feed!

    Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
  • David BDavid B Posts: 592
    edited 2010-06-03 14:47
    I'm not a big Java fan, but I really like the design of that propeller JVM website - it's clean looking, easy to read, easy to navigate. Looks good!
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-06-04 17:18
    Hi as suggested, I've added a menu script for navigation on each page.
    More content will come later.

    @Nick I added some Propeller Platform pictures and links on the hardware page.

    @WBA, the domain name (without content now) is:

    Thanks again for everyone's input.

    Propeller Pages: Propeller JVM
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