Negative value for accelerometer
*Sorry if i post at the wrong section, i can't delete this post so I reused it to not double post.*
Hi i'm working with the MXD2125 acc and I trying to program it to drive the motor's PWM.
Anyway, take a look at my codes. I found this code as a base and editted it to suit my goal.
As you can see, I am now focusing on the X axis of the acc. I'll put Y axis at a later stage.
What i am trying to achieve is to set the backward axis to a negative value.
The reason for wanting that is because I can set the if..else command to control the motor.
Any kind of codes would be greatly appreciated.
P.S Can somebody try the code above to see if the scaling is right? Mines reading 28+- degrees when placed on the table.
Post Edited (SteelHeart) : 5/31/2010 4:55:08 PM GMT
Hi i'm working with the MXD2125 acc and I trying to program it to drive the motor's PWM.
Anyway, take a look at my codes. I found this code as a base and editted it to suit my goal.
CON ''General Constants for Propeller Setup _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 xin = 17 yin = 16 period = 16665 ' number of microseconds for 60Hz frequency of pulses apin = 13 ' output pin for motor a - left motor bpin = 14 ' output pin for motor b - right motor memsic_mid = 400_000 ' middle of memsic range memsic_range = 300 ' range reading divided by 100 to produce percentage angle_set = 0 maxmemsic = 255 ' maximum possible reading from memsic OBJ ''Setup Object references that make this demo work pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" MM2125 : "memsic2125" PWM : "PWM_32_v2" PUB Main_Program | dir_a,dir_b,i,forward, forward1,forward2, backward, backward1, backward2 pst.Start(115200) '' Initialize serial communication to the PC MM2125.Start(17, 16) '' Initialize Mx2125 PWM.Start '' Initialize PWM cog repeat ''set up robot direction and speed using memsic X value '' get x and y readings from memsic forward := MM2125.Mx ''get memsic x reading backward := MM2125.Mx '' subtract mid range value from memsic readings forward1:= forward - memsic_mid ''subtract mid range from reading to get a value from -100,000 to +100,000 backward1:= backward - memsic_mid '' Convert memsic readings to a number between 0 > 100 forward2 := forward1 / memsic_range ''now have a value from -100 to +100 backward2 := backward1 / memsic_range pst.Str(String (pst#CE, pst#HM, "Forward Axis= ")) pst.dec(forward2) pst.Str(String (pst#CE, pst#NL, "Backward Axis= ")) pst.dec(backward2)
As you can see, I am now focusing on the X axis of the acc. I'll put Y axis at a later stage.
What i am trying to achieve is to set the backward axis to a negative value.
Example: At level, both forward and backward axis shows zero. When pitch up, forward axis increase, say 25 degrees. So backward axis will show and set to a negative value ( -25 degrees.)
The reason for wanting that is because I can set the if..else command to control the motor.
If forward > 0, forward motor speed slows down. Backward motor speed increase. until it balances. vice versa
Any kind of codes would be greatly appreciated.
P.S Can somebody try the code above to see if the scaling is right? Mines reading 28+- degrees when placed on the table.
Post Edited (SteelHeart) : 5/31/2010 4:55:08 PM GMT
Goto the Sticky on the top of the Propeller Forums named "Propeller Education Kit Labs, Tools, and Applications"
There is a section on using Full Duplex with the Parallax Serial Terminal.
Then you'll have to set backward1 to "backward1:= backward + memsic_mid"