SMT Solder video for UPEW: Tech test
Just did a little test to see if my somewhat primitive A/V capabilites are good enough to make good enough video for a little SMT soldering presentation at UPEW...
Soldered an 0805 resistor & capacitor on an obsolete board and it came out not too bad actually...
Here's a low quality (all I can upload here) clip:
Later on, I'll try to have a script and less caffeine [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Soldered an 0805 resistor & capacitor on an obsolete board and it came out not too bad actually...
Here's a low quality (all I can upload here) clip:
Later on, I'll try to have a script and less caffeine [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Caffeine: I usually don't try to solder untill after 10:AM, (4 hours after Starbucks).
Prep for this skipping coffee for at least 5 hours prior? [noparse];)[/noparse]
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90 * 2 = Pi
But, for prototyping it's much faster and cheaper to do it this way!
Plus, if you want to change out a component and try a different one, it's much easier to use an iron than an oven...
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Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
If you have dirty or old oxidized parts, then you need extra flux...
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We've got a new place at Parallax in the main room for these presentations, complete with a high-lumen projector and any kind of input source you may imagine.
Be sure you get on OBC's list if you have not already done so.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
I've found this to be a lot easier than placing a blob on the pad. The blob would always cause me problems with seating the part.
I hope to have time soon to post the presentation as a video somewhere. Several people at the expo asked about this...
I should have made the point that for volume production, I use a solder paste, a stencil, and an oven; a totally different technique than the presentation. The hand soldering shown in the presentation is what I use for prototyping and maybe repair...
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