Serial Communications: Effect of Propeller Clock Speed on Baud Rate

Has anyone done any characterization of the maximum serial baud rates supported by the FullDuplexSerial object at various Propeller clock rates?
I did a quick analysis of the FullDuplexSerial code and concluded that it would support 9600 baud when running the Propeller at 5MHz (_CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL1X, _XINFREQ = 5_000_000).
I have an application running on a Propeller that uses FullDuplexSerial to send data, but not receive anything. After running everything at these rates for several weeks, I've noticed that at random intervals the Propeller starts dropping characters and sending random junk on the serial line. After a period of time that varies from minutes to hours, the serial stream returns to normal. I'm thinking that the serial timing at 9600 baud on a 5MHz Propeller is right on the hairy edge and occasionally drifts out of spec and transmits random Smile.
(I'm running the Propeller at 5MHz to conserve power as this application is battery powered.)
I did a quick analysis of the FullDuplexSerial code and concluded that it would support 9600 baud when running the Propeller at 5MHz (_CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL1X, _XINFREQ = 5_000_000).
I have an application running on a Propeller that uses FullDuplexSerial to send data, but not receive anything. After running everything at these rates for several weeks, I've noticed that at random intervals the Propeller starts dropping characters and sending random junk on the serial line. After a period of time that varies from minutes to hours, the serial stream returns to normal. I'm thinking that the serial timing at 9600 baud on a 5MHz Propeller is right on the hairy edge and occasionally drifts out of spec and transmits random Smile.
(I'm running the Propeller at 5MHz to conserve power as this application is battery powered.)
Post Edited (Mike G) : 5/30/2010 6:56:42 PM GMT
Hardware is: Propeller running at 5 MHz, MAX3232 to generate RS-232 on Propeller end. The PC end is a Parallax serial-to-USB converter plugged into a 3GHz PC running WinXp and displaying the serial stream via Hyperterminal. The serial cable is ~6 feet long.
Only difference is..
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
I'll let my testbed setup run until it starts sending garbage again and then scope the Propeller port used for TX data and see what it's actually sending.
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA