Prop Professional Dev Board -- What is this Capacitor?

I did something really dumb. I went rooting through my junk box looking for a wall wart to power my Propeller Professional Development Board and found a 12v unit with the proper size plug. Unfortunately, I didn't check the polarity of the plug (it was center negative) and when I plugged it into the board and flipped the power switch, one of the caps on the board let out the magic smoke.
I found another wall wart with the proper plug and the board works fine, so I guess I didn't cook anything important. The cap itself is fried to the point that I can't read the lettering on it to determine what to replace it with.
Would someone who has a PPDB look at the cap circled in red on the attached diagram and let me know the value, voltage rating, and type of this cap?
I found another wall wart with the proper plug and the board works fine, so I guess I didn't cook anything important. The cap itself is fried to the point that I can't read the lettering on it to determine what to replace it with.
Would someone who has a PPDB look at the cap circled in red on the attached diagram and let me know the value, voltage rating, and type of this cap?
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Did the same thing myself a while ago except I used an AC wall wart instead of DC. I just replaced that cap and all has been OK since. Not sure if reverse polarity would cause the same problem.