I/O Circuit - Overkill?
This is my first attempt at using a micro-controller (i.e., the propeller) to control a solenoid.
Out of an abundance of caution I decided to implement an opto-isoltor.· The circuit is attached.
Does this look like overkill to those of you who are experienced with controlling real world devices?
The solenoid has 28.8 volts DC applied and pulls 5.2 Amps.·
I appreciate any thoughts.· I want a robust output design (that I will copy about 30 times for all the sols) but don't want to over complicate things.
Out of an abundance of caution I decided to implement an opto-isoltor.· The circuit is attached.
Does this look like overkill to those of you who are experienced with controlling real world devices?
The solenoid has 28.8 volts DC applied and pulls 5.2 Amps.·
I appreciate any thoughts.· I want a robust output design (that I will copy about 30 times for all the sols) but don't want to over complicate things.
I would use 220 Ohm or so.
I added the opto-isolator thinking that it would protect the propeller... nothing to·do with·personal safety.
Years ago I worked with Programable-Logic-Controllers (PLCs) in a manufacturing plant and·I noticed that their I/O modules were almost always opto-isolated (at least according to the module documentation)... I guess I just assumed that there was a good reason for it.·
What does everyone think about the idea of driving the FET directly from the propeller output?
Thanks again!
Addendum: BTW, there are photovoltaic optoisolators available that are designed for driving MOSFETs. The Panasonic APV2121S is one such example.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 5/28/2010 6:07:37 AM GMT
The reason that some output devices have their tag non-isolated is so that there is a direct bond to the outside world to get better heat, and therefore power, ratings. Isolated ones are more convieient at the expence of Wattage.
Is the 1A diode enough to stiffle the back EMF on a 5A coil ????
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 5/28/2010 6:55:08 AM GMT
Mutter, curse, aren't the hardware guys supposed to take care of this kind of thing?
I think optos are a great idea[noparse]:)[/noparse]
For me, the past is not over yet.
PLCs are designed to be connected to "who knows what" sometimes, so therefore optos are used as you just can't trust those sparkies you know. If you know what you are connecting to as you do in this case then there is absolutely no problem using an IRF3708 or similar rather than the unnecessarily complicated opto circuit which as has been pointed out is incorrect. Sure you can use an opto but you know exactly what you are connecting to. Also the darlington emitter follower configuration you have chosen for the output will drop at least 1.2V from the 5V supply which is starting to affect the ON resistance of the MOSFET chosen. I wouldn't recommend this configuration.
7805 type regulators are the only TO220 package I know of that had the tab grounded and this is only because the substrate of the regulator is ground. Nothing is weird about the tab being connected to the substrate of the silicon die as this is what it is mounted on. It is probably far more weird that some devices have tabs that are ground.
Phil, thanks for tip about the Panasonic device.
Toby, your right... I should verify the sufficiency of the diode. I basically lifted this part number from my pinball machine which drives very similar voltage & current though sols but there very well may be a better option.
"Heater", I'm not sure I understood everything you said but the "great idea" part is loud and clear... thanks!
Peter, your description about the PLC makes sense. Also, I did notice the approx. 1.2 voltage drop and that did concern me. I still have some trouble reading the data sheets on FET devices so I was hopeing that a logic level FET would be okay at 3.8-4V. Hope is not a good design method... I will go back to the drawing board... I suppose I could just supply 6 ot 7.5 volts instead of 5 since this power supply is only used to drive the FETs.
All: At this point I think I will go with the opto since the small additional cost isn't a problem for this personal project... does anyone think there is a better option than the type of opto I selected?
Many, Many thanks!
I have in front of me an industrial PC with an internal 8255 based parallel I/O card driving a whole bunch of external opto-isolated solid state relays. It also accepts inputs from a bunch of opto isolators on an external card.
Despite having no copper connection between that PC and anything else in the world. It can be run from an UPS battery pack with mains unplugged. And despite the optos everywhere and shielded cables from PC to opto cards. The I/O chips in the PC can still be reset by turning on a nearby bench power supply !!
As yet we have not figured out how/why this happens.
For me, the past is not over yet.
The 8255 was the absolute worst choice that could be made for an I/O chip interfaced via IDC cable and the only reason it was probably used was that it had lots of I/O and everyone else used em so they had to be good, hey??
Tim, KISS - skip the opto, just use the IRF3708 with a pull-down on the gate and run the ground of the MOSFET back to the supply and not the Propeller.
I was just pondering about 5A in, 5A out at the switching point. Perhaps it is within the peak rating of the 1A device (as that is the average rating that is quoted )
Style and grace : Nil point
And the "front line" devices being the first components which connect the PCB to the outside world. Power in. Or output to a motor, building wiring, etc.
And when I have seen microcontrollers fail, it was because there was a design flaw. A company might make 40 different models of something with different processors. One particular model will frequently need the processors replaced. All the other models *never* have the processor fail.
Now they are all keen on using some new ARM boards and I'm going to get decent opto isolated parallel I/O via serial or USB if I have to build all the cards by hand myself. There will be Propeller(s) in there.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Thanks everyone!