Why will this NOT WORK?!?!?!?!
I have a Gadget Gangster Boss board with a Prop chip hooked up in the standard fashion exept that I am using 2 AA cells for power. The AA's are hooked up directly to the power and ground lines so the power portion of the board is not used. I have a 5Mhz Xtal. I have an SD card slot soldered to the right of the Prop chip. I had to cut 2 ground lines on the board because pin 7 on the SD card slot is on the ground line at the end of the board. The SD is hooked up to pins 0..3 in the usual way, and they are all pulled up to power with 10k's. I also have a headphone jack directly soldered to the chip with no amplifiers or filters. The problem is: Nothing will run. I have a Prop Plug jimmied up to the correct pins and it will detect the chip and download programs to it, but none of them will run. I at first thought I had the SD wired wrong so I ran a serail program to see if I could get anything on the serial line. Nothing. I replace the Xtal with an identical 5Mhz I got off a protoboard. Still nothing. I load on a simple BLINKING LED program.
STILL NOTHING!! Then I comment out the clock functions
THEN the LED starts blinking. What is up?? Is there something wrong with the EEPROM? It's the only componant that I haven't replaced! I've swaped out 3 different prop chips but nothing happens! I've even tested to see if the prop chips were bad! Is it something in my wiring that could be doing this?? What could be wrong????
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CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 PUB Blink dira[noparse][[/noparse]26]~~ repeat outa[noparse][[/noparse]26]~~ waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) outa[noparse][[/noparse]26]~ waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)
STILL NOTHING!! Then I comment out the clock functions
PUB Blink dira[noparse][[/noparse]26]~~ repeat outa[noparse][[/noparse]26]~~ waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) outa[noparse][[/noparse]26]~ waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)
THEN the LED starts blinking. What is up?? Is there something wrong with the EEPROM? It's the only componant that I haven't replaced! I've swaped out 3 different prop chips but nothing happens! I've even tested to see if the prop chips were bad! Is it something in my wiring that could be doing this?? What could be wrong????
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I believe running the PLL will draw more current, and the AA batteries may not be producing enough voltage. You are at 3.0 volts at best. Some rechargables will give you 2.4 volts total.
2.7 is minimum VDD.
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Are the Boss Boards regulators isolated from the input power. I'm not familiar with the board. I have to get a schematic.
Me's ponders some more.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
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That should give you a 12MHz system clock and will work without the PLL.
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Its funny that you think the chip is bad, because I just took it out of the boss board and put it in the PPDB and it worked with full clock, playing music off the SD card. It must not be the chip, but the configuration of the boss board.
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Maybe the power/ground pin connections are not very good on the other board.
Do you have a volt/ohm meter (DVM or other)? Radio Shack has cheap meters.
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May the road rise to meet you; may the sun shine on your back.
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Are you sure all Propeller grounds and power pins have good connections? There should be 0 ohms between the ground and both propeller ground (pins with power off).
What else do you have connected? Can you post pictures of front and back of the board?
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Two AA batteries provide minimal inrush current at start up.
The thing is not starting up right is a strong possibility.
At 80 MHz you are asking the chip to run at its highest current demand
Even though you measure 3.3 volts, that may not be the case at start up
Try starting out at 5 MHz then 10 then 20 then 40 and then 80 to see what happens
Adding about 100 mfd across the battery might do the trick if the problem appears a the higher freqs only
Put a scope across the batteries at start up and see if you see a spike down.
Try it with a more powerful regulated power supply
@Harprit: I have been powering it off the PPDB power at the time, so that should not be a concern.
@hover1: I don't trust my multimeter that much. I think that the meter is a little off.
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Where is the crystal mounted, I don't see it it the picture.
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Ok, you are battery powered but there will still be startup surges etc. So of the above 5 caps you could leave out the 470uF one.
Can you post an updated photo of both sides of the board?
Also, if you are trying to scrimp and save on sockets and they are $1.50 apiece, check out www.futurlec.com/SockIC.shtml where you can see 40 pin dip sockets are 15c. Futurlec take a couple of weeks for orders to arrive, but shipping is only $4 for small orders. Buy some other things while you are there. There are certain components I use lots of - 1k resistors, 10k resistors, 470uF caps, 22uF tantalum caps, 0.1uF bypass caps. The 0.1uF caps are 6c each for instance www.futurlec.com/CapCerMono.shtml
Small steps like jazzed says. For instance, once you do get the thing working, when you add that sd card I'd be tempted to put a 22uF tantalum and a 0.1uF right across the sd card power pins.
Addit: while the hot melt glue gun is warm, maybe some glue where the wires go on to the board, and also the wires on the back of the switch. Lots of flipping the board over when soldering and that is where the wires will break off.
Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 5/31/2010 3:52:22 AM GMT