What Extra Components Do I Need To Buy From Parallax To RC my Boe Bot ?
Im New To Micro
Posts: 42
Hi all,
Currently I'm on page 147 of the Boe Bot guide, so I really haven't learned everything I need to yet, but eventually I want to be able to control my Boe Bot with a remote or something, similar to a remote control car you'd buy from Radio Shack.
I know I need a transmitter/receiver, but I only found the transmitter on the website here: http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/CommunicationRF/tabid/161/CategoryID/36/List/0/SortField/0/catpageindex/1/Level/a/ProductID/582/Default.aspx
I also was wondering does Parallax include another guide the teaches you how to use the Transmitter/Receiver to control things wireless?
Thanks [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Currently I'm on page 147 of the Boe Bot guide, so I really haven't learned everything I need to yet, but eventually I want to be able to control my Boe Bot with a remote or something, similar to a remote control car you'd buy from Radio Shack.
I know I need a transmitter/receiver, but I only found the transmitter on the website here: http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/CommunicationRF/tabid/161/CategoryID/36/List/0/SortField/0/catpageindex/1/Level/a/ProductID/582/Default.aspx
I also was wondering does Parallax include another guide the teaches you how to use the Transmitter/Receiver to control things wireless?
Thanks [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Alan Lindsay of Parallax did a neat project for wireless control of a BOEBot here:
Hope that helps.
We have a few Wireless Control for Robotics kits left; this is the hardware kit·for the tilt controller that hover1 directed you to. We discontinued that Transmitter/Receiver pair, and replaced it with the Transceiver, so this kit is "end of life" but there are a few left in stock.
If you splurge on the Wireless Control kit,·there are lots of other cool things you can do with the Memsic 2-Axis Accelerometer that comes with it.·Check out the Accelerometer and the Accelerometer+Boe-Bot sections of the·Stamps in Class Mini Projects sticky thread. The mini-projects are written similar to the Boe-Bot text.
There is also a very·inexpensive method that uses an Infrared Remote, and we do have a book on that very subject called "IR Remote for the Boe-Bot." You can get the full kit here, or buy just the remote & parts kit here and download the book PDF.
I hope this helps!