Servo question
Posts: 14
Hi all,
I need to order a few small servo's for our project, but they will be operating at very low temperatures. (-40F)
The ones on the parallax site seem to not be rated for cold temps. Can anyone recommend one that would work and would just plug right into my BS2 chip.
I need to order a few small servo's for our project, but they will be operating at very low temperatures. (-40F)
The ones on the parallax site seem to not be rated for cold temps. Can anyone recommend one that would work and would just plug right into my BS2 chip.
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
They claim : Operating Temperature Range: -20 to +60 Degree C (-68F to +140F).
Not the same numbers after conversion.
Manufacture site does not spec Temp range. Strange.
·"If you build it, they will come."
The servo should not have a problem with temp, but I don't know if they would warranty it a 3000+ PSI.
Also, while the servo is at rest, I just want to make sure it's not drawing current because I don't want to burn up all my battery power in my board just to flick a servo for half a second (twice).
Any ideas welcome o course...
is just one example I found quickly. There may be others.
At rest, you can just stop sending signal to the servo. No power is used. If the servo is under physical load with no power, it will tend to migrate to the pulling load, that is to say, it will not hold a load in position if there is no signal applied.
Question, I'm thinking of this servo.
It indicates things about RC controllers terms of mking it work. Obviously, we're using a BS2.
Will the servo pin have enough to send a 2400Us pulse? Does it go both ways?
In other words, can we send a 600um pulse at time X to rotate it 90 degrees counter clockwise, and then later at time Y send a 2400um pulse to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise?
You can easily send a 600uS (PULSOUT 300) or 2,400uS (PULSOUT 1200) pulse with the BS2. You will need to repeatedly send the pulse every 20 mS until the servo has completed its movement though.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Also, just because I'm an idiot, why is PULSOUT half the number of microsecs you want?
FOR i = 1 to 10
PULSOUT 12, 300
i = i + 1
Pause 18
The BS2 PULSOUT command works in units of 2 uS each.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
FOR i = 1 to 10
PULSOUT 12, 300
i = i + 1
Pause 18
Very first BS2 starter kit arrives on Tuesday.
I'm sure that after a few days of learning how to get an LED to blink on and off I'll be ready to program the next lunar lander
It's a type of loop that only executes a certain number of times.
Take a look at What's a Microcontroller? page 43.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
PUKSOUT 12, 300· Pulse Pin 12 at 300*2us (for BS2)
i = i + 1·············· Increment i
Pause 18·············Pause for 18 milliseconds
Next·················· Go back to FOR instruction until it counts to 10
Download the Basic Stamp·Windows Editor (IDE)·at:
In the help menu, you have access to the Basic Stamp Manual and What's a Microcontroller manual. You should spend some time reading these before your hardware arrives.
Have Fun!
It the Basic Stamp editor for Mac reliable at all?
The books mentioned by a previous poster are part of the Help file of the Windows version only, but they are also available as separate pdf downloads. For "What's a Microcontroller?" go to·and look under Downloads & Resources. For the·BASIC Stamp Sytnax & Reference Manual, click the "BASIC Stamp Documentation" button at, and you will find that title in the 5th row of the first table.