Walmart security alram for DVDs and Ink cartridges
Hey guys I bought some ink cartridges from Walmart last night when I was leaving I set off the alarm because the kid forgot to take my ink cartridges out of the plastic security box he let me have one to keep when I got home I pulled it apart it had a
small wire wound device with a capacitor soldered to the leads does this work anything like RFID I wanted to keep it so I could figure out what it does , it looks to me like it just triggers an alarm and has no intelligence is that right
photo attached
small wire wound device with a capacitor soldered to the leads does this work anything like RFID I wanted to keep it so I could figure out what it does , it looks to me like it just triggers an alarm and has no intelligence is that right
photo attached
The cap could be for tuning, or could be to hold and release energy as a simple return "pulse" for the system. I'll be you could have some fun just carrying that thing through the doors in your shoe or someplace.
Give the greeter some excitement for the night.
John R.
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Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
I have some large cans ( headphones) I wear all the time .. I have noticed how I get a loud "CLICK CLICK CLICK" when ever I go to wally world or My college library .
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
Which is precisely how some of these devices work. There is no need for identification, so RFID is overkill. They just want to know if one is walking out the door. My old (old, old, old) analogue mobile phone had a resonant circuit in it somewhere that used to set off half the units in Perth if I walked into a shop with it. It started out as an annoyance, but in the end became quite good fun.
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
i remember hearing that eventually manufacturers would like to stick RFID tags on every single product in the store. You could check out by running your cart through the detector and paying the total. they could also track products movements from manufacturing to dump.
Lots of propeller based products in stock at affordable prices.
Anyway if they did RFID they could compare against inventory to see what is walking out the door. The worst is we now have these automatic check out counters you are suppose to scan your goods and then pay there is no one around I hate to say this but I often see people not scanning things in there carriages.. It would give them a good idea of why the inventory does not match sales. I did try to get this unit to emit something RF but even waving a magnet over it did not illicit any readings of course it could be the way I am trying to measure the output.
Thanks Guys for the info