Using Propeller chip to communicate with R/C transmitter & receiver
I am trying to control the speed of a brushless motor in a R/C plane that is connected to a ESC, but I want to use·a PWM signal from the propeller chip·I/O. How can·I·use the·throttle input from my Futaba 72MHz 6 channels Tx/Rx to control this PWM signal going to the ESC.
I am trying to control the speed of a brushless motor in a R/C plane that is connected to a ESC, but I want to use·a PWM signal from the propeller chip·I/O. How can·I·use the·throttle input from my Futaba 72MHz 6 channels Tx/Rx to control this PWM signal going to the ESC.
Here is a thread that has other code posted, etc
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