Parallax Robots on Extreme Makeover Home Edition
My family has been watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition reruns and I have noticed some BOE-BOTs on the show.· Tonight we saw an episode from 2005 and I believe I saw a BOE-BOT and a Toddler.· The team was making a robot room for a boy who wants to make artificial eyes for his father to see with·since he lost his eye sight when he was shot in the head.· I don't have the details for the other shows, but believe I have seen at least two other episodes that had BOE-BOTs.·
Anyone else noticed the robots on this·show or others?
I thought it might be neat if Parallax could let us·know if and how many they·have sent to the show.· Maybe they could use it in their advertisement.
Anyone else noticed the robots on this·show or others?
I thought it might be neat if Parallax could let us·know if and how many they·have sent to the show.· Maybe they could use it in their advertisement.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·