What is the basic salary for someone with a robotics career?
I have a career report and my topic is on robotics. Some of the info I need includes the typical beginning pay and the benefits. Please include sources if avalable.
Thanks in advance.
Post Edited By Moderator (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 5/24/2010 8:50:43 PM GMT
Thanks in advance.
Post Edited By Moderator (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 5/24/2010 8:50:43 PM GMT
A lot depends ...
It depends on your formal education. It depends on where you got your training and what sort of other research and development is going on there. It depends on your informal education like what have you actually done successfully? Have you written anything like magazine articles or even been part of a team publishing research papers? What other things do you know? Have you developed anything for sale? How successful a product was it? Do you have any experience as an intern? Have you had summer jobs working in electronics or robotics or mechanics? Do you know how to build things? Can you use a lathe or any type of prototyping equipment?
Have you worked in any kind of teaching situation, for example as a camp counsellor or tutor? All of these things show signs of maturity and responsibility, a valued trait in a new employee.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
this is with a AS in " robotics and automation " AKA industrial Fanucs and ABBs and what not .
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
His roommate, who also knew some obscure programming languages, starts at $120K at Microsoft.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Generally, robotics isn't a degree that the big universities have, but you can learn about the subject by taking something like ME, EE, CE, or CS.
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