Help!!! how to add speed in Quadrature Encoder Object
Hi All,
· I am using Jeff Martin's Quadrature Encoder v1.0 object for read encoder. I want to do some speed synchronize. If I read and change speed in Spin, that will result some position lost. I want to add speed value in Quadrature Encoder object. but I am not good at assembly
·.·I need some help !!
Post Edited (Julian800) : 5/25/2010 11:52:21 PM GMT
· I am using Jeff Martin's Quadrature Encoder v1.0 object for read encoder. I want to do some speed synchronize. If I read and change speed in Spin, that will result some position lost. I want to add speed value in Quadrature Encoder object. but I am not good at assembly

Post Edited (Julian800) : 5/25/2010 11:52:21 PM GMT
It gives you the raw tick speed.
that is what I want, but quadature encoder object is not working for me( I get encoder count lost).
I don't know is that too hard to add speed in Quadrature Encoder object? anyone can give me some suggestion? I am try to understand assembly code and add speed(current tick speed per second)
:Sample················ mov···· IPosAddr, #IntPos·············· 'Reset encoder position buffer addresses
······················· movd··· :IPos+0, IPosAddr······························
······················· movd··· :IPos+1, IPosAddr
······················· mov···· MPosAddr, PAR··························
······················· mov···· St1, St2······················· 'Calc 2-bit signed offsets (St1 = B1:A1)
······················· mov···· T1,· St2······················· '·························· T1· = B1:A1
······················· shl···· T1, #1························· '·························· T1· = A1:x
······· :PinSrc········ mov···· St2, inb······················· '· Sample encoders········ (St2 = B2:A2 left shifted by first encoder offset)
······················· shr···· St2, Pin······················· '· Adj for first encoder·· (St2 = B2:A2)
······················· xor···· St1, St2······················· '········· St1· =············· B1^B2:A1^A2
······················· xor···· T1, St2························ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:x
······················· and···· T1, BMask······················ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:0
······················· or····· T1, AMask······················ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:1
······················· mov···· T2, St1························ '········· T2·· =············· B1^B2:A1^A2
······················· and···· T2, AMask······················ '········· T2·· =················· 0:A1^A2
······················· and···· St1, BMask····················· '········· St1· =············· B1^B2:0
······················· shr···· St1, #1························ '········· St1· =················· 0:B1^B2
······················· xor···· T2, St1························ '········· T2·· =················· 0:A1^A2^B1^B2
······················· mov···· St1, T2························ '········· St1· =················· 0:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· shl···· St1, #1························ '········· St1· =······· A1^B2^B1^A2:0
······················· or····· St1, T2························ '········· St1· =······· A1^B2^B1^A2:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· and···· St1, T1························ '········· St1· =· A1^B2^B1^A2&A1^B2:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· mov···· Idx, TotEnc···················· 'For all encoders...
:UpdatePos············· ror···· St1, #2························ 'Rotate current bit pair into 31:30
······················· mov···· Diff, St1······················ 'Convert 2-bit signed to 32-bit signed Diff
······················· sar···· Diff, #30
······· :IPos·········· add···· 0, Diff························ 'Add to encoder position value
······················· wrlong· 0, MPosAddr···················· 'Write new position to main memory
······················· add···· IPosAddr, #1··················· 'Increment encoder position addresses
······················· movd··· :IPos+0, IPosAddr
······················· movd··· :IPos+1, IPosAddr
······················· add···· MPosAddr, #4···························
:Next·················· djnz··· Idx, #:UpdatePos··············· 'Loop for each encoder
······················· jmp···· #:Sample······················· 'Loop forever
Post Edited (Julian800) : 5/25/2010 4:08:40 AM GMT
But I get error to read a fix speed. My reading is speed +1 or -1 different with real speed at delay time as·one second. When I· use 1ms (use 1sec/1024) as delay, the error is enlarge by shift left·10 . Can anyone suggest what is the problem?· Or is there any other way to read speed of encoder?· Thanks!··
DAT·· ' get encoder speed
·········· org 0
AsmCode rdlong Delay, #0··· 'Get clock frequency
······· shr Delay, #10············ 'Divide by 1024
······· Mov MPosAddr, PAR····· ' save Postion arry address start
······· Mov SPDAddr, MPosAddr
······· add· SPDAddr, #12···· ' save speed address
······· rdlong· P1,· MPosAddr
·Loop·· mov Time, cnt 'Get current time
······· add Time, Delay
······· '<more code here> 'Perform operation
······· rdlong· P2,· MPosAddr
······· sub···· P2,· P1
······· shl···· P2,· #10
······· wrlong· P2, SPDAddr
······· rdlong· P1,· MPosAddr
······· waitcnt Time, Delay 'Wait for 1/1024 second
······· jmp #Loop 'loop back
Speed·················· long··· 0
Delay·················· long··· 1
P1····················· res···· 1
P2····················· res···· 1
Time··················· res···· 1
MPosAddr··············· res···· 1
SPDAddr················ res···· 1·
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
thanks for your help. I don't have problem to read the encoder count, the problem is how to sample speed of encoder. I am doing something like speed lock for stepper. I need to read accurate speed value and update every 1 ms.
Now I run my assembly code to sample a fix speed , but I can't get stable reading that always 1 count less or more. Is that result by using one cog for encoder read then write to hub memory , the other cog read hub memory and do sample speed(as show above)? Anyone have experience with encoder speed control? Please give me some suggestion. Thanks
I am working with the same Jeff Martin's Quadrature Encoder v1.0 object, and was curious if you had made progress?
If you don't have it yet get Harprits' book Programming the Propeller with Spin, it just got published. It has some good stuff on motors and encoders. Although it is based on Spin and not PASM, it may still give you some good ideas.
Post Edited (rpdb) : 6/12/2010 5:27:11 AM GMT
I also try to use·following two line of code to·sum up speed and compare with encoder count. I get back with some value -9000130000. Is there anything I did wrong?
·················· ··'· add····· totalRes, CurCount
·····················'· wrlong·· after, TotalcuAddr
my code is
······················· org···· 0
Update················· test··· Pin, #$20·············· wc····· 'Test for upper or lower port
······················· muxc··· :PinSrc, #%1··················· 'Adjust :PinSrc instruction for proper port
······················· mov···· IPosAddr, #IntPos·············· 'Clear all internal encoder position values
······················· movd··· :IClear, IPosAddr·············· '· set starting internal pointer
······················· mov···· Idx, TotEnc···················· '· for all encoders...·
······· :IClear········ mov···· 0, #0·························· '· clear internal memory
······················· add···· IPosAddr, #1··················· '· increment pointer
······················· movd··· :IClear, IPosAddr··············
······················· djnz··· Idx, #:IClear·················· '· loop for each encoder·······································
······················· mov···· St2, ina······················· 'Take first sample of encoder pins
······················· shr···· St2, Pin
······················· Mov···· totalRes,· #0·············
:Sample················ mov···· IPosAddr, #IntPos·············· 'Reset encoder position buffer addresses
······················· movd··· :IPos+0, IPosAddr······························
······················· movd··· :IPos+1, IPosAddr
······················· mov···· MPosAddr, PAR
······················· Mov···· MSpeedAddr,MPosAddr
······················· Add···· MSpeedAddr,#8
······················· Mov···· TotalcuAddr,MPosAddr
······················· Add···· TotalcuAddr,#12
······················· mov···· St1, St2······················· 'Calc 2-bit signed offsets (St1 = B1:A1)
······················· mov···· T1,· St2······················· '·························· T1· = B1:A1
······················· shl···· T1, #1························· '·························· T1· = A1:x
······· :PinSrc········ mov···· St2, inb······················· '· Sample encoders········ (St2 = B2:A2 left shifted by first encoder offset)
······················· shr···· St2, Pin······················· '· Adj for first encoder·· (St2 = B2:A2)
······················· xor···· St1, St2······················· '········· St1· =············· B1^B2:A1^A2
······················· xor···· T1, St2························ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:x
······················· and···· T1, BMask······················ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:0
······················· or····· T1, AMask······················ '········· T1·· =············· A1^B2:1
······················· mov···· T2, St1························ '········· T2·· =············· B1^B2:A1^A2
······················· and···· T2, AMask······················ '········· T2·· =················· 0:A1^A2
······················· and···· St1, BMask····················· '········· St1· =············· B1^B2:0
······················· shr···· St1, #1························ '········· St1· =················· 0:B1^B2
······················· xor···· T2, St1························ '········· T2·· =················· 0:A1^A2^B1^B2
······················· mov···· St1, T2························ '········· St1· =················· 0:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· shl···· St1, #1························ '········· St1· =······· A1^B2^B1^A2:0
······················· or····· St1, T2························ '········· St1· =······· A1^B2^B1^A2:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· and···· St1, T1························ '········· St1· =· A1^B2^B1^A2&A1^B2:A1^B2^B1^A2
······················· mov···· Idx, TotEnc···················· 'For all encoders...
:UpdatePos············· ror···· St1, #2························ 'Rotate current bit pair into 31:30
······················· mov···· Diff, St1······················ 'Convert 2-bit signed to 32-bit signed Diff
······················· sar···· Diff, #30
······· :IPos·········· add···· 0, Diff························ 'Add to encoder position value
······················· wrlong· 0, MPosAddr···················· 'Write new position to main memory
······················ mov···· after, cnt······················· ' read current cnt
······················· subs··· after, before·················· ' caculate·loop time
······················· mov···· before , cnt····················' read cnt for next caculation
······················· add···· time,after
······················· Cmp···· Delay, time··· Wc
······················ if_NC jmp···· #:Sample
······················ Mov···· CurCount,IntPos·············
······················ Sub···· CurCount, PreCount·
······················ wrlong· CurCount, MSpeedAddr
·····················'· add····· totalRes, CurCount
·····················'· wrlong·· after, TotalcuAddr
······················ Mov···· PreCount,IntPos
······················ Mov····· time, #0·
······················· jmp···· #:Sample
'Define Encoder Reading Cog's constants/variables
AMask·················· long··· $55555555······················ 'A bit mask
BMask·················· long··· $AAAAAAAA······················ 'B bit mask
MSB···················· long··· $80000000······················ 'MSB mask for current bit pair
Delay·················· long···· 79_954
Pin···················· long··· 0······························ 'First pin connected to first encoder
TotEnc················· long··· 0
TotalcuAddr············ res···· 1
totalRes··············· res···· 1······························ 'Total number of encoders
before················· res···· 1
after·················· res···· 1
PreCount··············· res···· 1
CurCount··············· res···· 1
time··················· res···· 1·
Idx···················· res···· 1······························ 'Encoder index
St1···················· res···· 1······························ 'Previous state
St2···················· res···· 1······························ 'Current state
T1····················· res···· 1······························ 'Temp 1
T2····················· res···· 1······························ 'Temp 2
Diff··················· res···· 1······························ 'Difference, ie: -1, 0 or +1
IPosAddr··············· res···· 1······························ 'Address of current encoder position counter (Internal Memory)
MPosAddr··············· res···· 1······························ 'Address of current encoder position counter (Main Memory)
MSpeedAddr············· res···· 1······························ 'Address of· encoder speed (Main Memory)
IntPos················· res···· 16····························· 'Internal encoder position counter buffer
FIT 496
John Abshier
NewEncoder := Pos ' make a copy of encoder count
Speed := NewEncoder - OLdEncoder ' calculate speed in encoder ticks per cycle time (1ms?)
OldEncoder := NewEncoder ' save encoder reading
I think he reason you got the large negative number by adding up encoder counts is that they turn negative after 2^31.
John Abshier
Assuming that the pulses are required to be read in a symmetrical manor, i.e. equal or balanced amount of time on vs. time off .... I think it would almost have to be for proper operation.
...anyway, this would require running and syncing two COGs in such a way that the sampling between them is exactly 180 Deg out of phase. Once established, then by adding the result of the two COGs together would effectively be the same as doubling your resolution.
If however the object as it is uses both edges of the quadrature signal to increment the counter then the two cogs mentioned above would need to be 90 Deg out of phase. Even further, if the object uses any edge transition to increment the counter (using a truth table to determine which direction to increment the counter), then the two cogs mentioned above would need to be 45 Deg out of phase.
Like I said though, I haven't looked at the code in detail, and it may already be so tight that a 45 deg or any deg of phase shift may not be possible. Just thought I would throw the idea out there since I know that the technique can be applied elsewhere on similar types of measurements.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I am working on this and have not yet had a chance to test.
Post Edited (rpdb) : 6/25/2010 10:51:46 PM GMT