I'm wanting to use the SD card today.

Can somebody point me to a simple demo program that demonstrates a good SD card driver object, open a file, write stuff to it, close?
I want to write some data to SD, then read it back for display on the screen, or to populate memory buffers.
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I want to write some data to SD, then read it back for display on the screen, or to populate memory buffers.
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I've be been using fsrwFemto forever now. All be it a modified version from Cluso's Triblade.
For me, the past is not over yet.
I've been running SD card capable stuff, but not often. Where I've been at is video related things, and doing some labs with an o-scope. We also had some stuff to deal with this year, so I kept my prop activity simple, during that time.
Edit: battery on laptop died... Good thing, I hit save on my work before this post. Anyway, I got quite a distance away from file I/O, and just wanted a quick pointer to a jump start.
Right now, I'm building some .cog files, with PASM in them, to be loaded from the SD card, and started to free HUB memory. Needed to just see the basics of open, delete, write, read, etc...
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Post Edited (potatohead) : 5/22/2010 9:49:26 PM GMT
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