USB Monitor
~S!~ All,
Newbie question !
I'm currently with Basic stamp module, so bare with me for a Prop question.
Some monitors (Cheap I might say) are USB driven. Mostly used for add-on desktop.
Can A propeller be able to do anything with them.
I do see a component out, from the PROP, but not sure if a USB monitor can be used !
I'm leaning towards moving to propeller(personal reasons),·and seems that the spin language is close enough to pbasic, and the horsepower of a prop is way ahead.·
I got a project almost done with a Basic Stamp, but I need a PC to do all the display.
Would a Propeller chip be able to use a USB Monitor?
Newbie question !
I'm currently with Basic stamp module, so bare with me for a Prop question.
Some monitors (Cheap I might say) are USB driven. Mostly used for add-on desktop.
Can A propeller be able to do anything with them.
I do see a component out, from the PROP, but not sure if a USB monitor can be used !
I'm leaning towards moving to propeller(personal reasons),·and seems that the spin language is close enough to pbasic, and the horsepower of a prop is way ahead.·
I got a project almost done with a Basic Stamp, but I need a PC to do all the display.
Would a Propeller chip be able to use a USB Monitor?
In my opinion you would be best advised to use a 'standard' VGA monitor.
Whilst most things can be done with a Propeller in extremis, interfacing to a USB screen would
be *pioneering* work and not sensibly practicable.
A warm welcome to the Propeller community; and good luck with your projects!
T o n y
Also, there's BS2 functions in OBEX that make transition easy.
And, if you do need a small LCD screen, I sell a couple types [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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I don't want to be ahead of myself, so was just wondering the USB Monitor.
Right now I use VB2008, to display my compass,accelerometer , 1 wire temp sensors and some more stuff.
And was not sure if PROP could be used to replace my Acer aspire one notebook and the display capability of it !
Hum... as for LCD i got one..working great
And not sure of OBEX and what it means. But I've read a bit about the spin language... and seems to be something reachable for my little brain..
Anyway , will still investigate the PROP option... seems awesome!