How to force the carry flag to 1 ?

Okay, we've been before, but I cannot find the thread.
I need 1 instruction that will set the carry flag without have any specific value in any variable.
In my notes I have:
· rol $,#0 WC,NR·· 'set c flag (because b31=1)
But that doesn't seem right because bit 31 is NOT a 1 for the rol instruction.
The only instruction I see that might work is:
It seem kind of strange to set the carry flag if the values are =·doesn't it ??? This isn't a typo·in the manual is it ?
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I need 1 instruction that will set the carry flag without have any specific value in any variable.
In my notes I have:
· rol $,#0 WC,NR·· 'set c flag (because b31=1)
But that doesn't seem right because bit 31 is NOT a 1 for the rol instruction.
The only instruction I see that might work is:
It seem kind of strange to set the carry flag if the values are =·doesn't it ??? This isn't a typo·in the manual is it ?
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mov 0, $ wc, nr
it writes the C with the value at bit 31, set for the mov instruction...
quoting the manual (v1.1) for cmpsub "If the WC effect is specified, the C flag is set (1) if a subtraction is possible (Value1 is equal to or greater than Value2).".
Edit: Phil is right.
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Yeah, I prefer the MOV instruction too. It's just a simpler instruction.
I wish Parallax would put a set of prefered instructions in the manual for setting/clearing the carry and zero flag.
P.S. Yes Phil, that is the thread I was looking for.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
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Post Edited (Bean) : 5/19/2010 2:48:03 PM GMT
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