Hello all attendees of the UPEC event.· Sadly I thought I would be working on the weekend of the Expo, and I cleared my schedule anyway, so I regret not going.· In any event I wanted to play around with idea of a concept video to promote future Propeller Expos.· This would be a fully featured DVD with navigation, behind the scenes, etc.· But, I need your help to pull this off!
I am looking for all video footage and photos available from the expo, including behind the scenes, setup, interviews, etc.· If I could get everyone who has shareable media to send it to me I will compile it into this DVD and makes the ISO image available for download.
Anyone who can provide such information please e-mail me at info@savagecircuits.com and let me know what you have, how much space it takes up (MB, minutes, etc) and how I can get a copy from you.· I will also need some help identifying those included, but that can probably be worked out between Jeff and I or even Ken/Chip and I.
Oh, and if you're not sure about an ISO image...Windows 7 natively supports burning a DVD from an ISO image.· Thanks in advance to all who can help.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I am looking for all video footage and photos available from the expo, including behind the scenes, setup, interviews, etc.· If I could get everyone who has shareable media to send it to me I will compile it into this DVD and makes the ISO image available for download.
Anyone who can provide such information please e-mail me at info@savagecircuits.com and let me know what you have, how much space it takes up (MB, minutes, etc) and how I can get a copy from you.· I will also need some help identifying those included, but that can probably be worked out between Jeff and I or even Ken/Chip and I.
Oh, and if you're not sure about an ISO image...Windows 7 natively supports burning a DVD from an ISO image.· Thanks in advance to all who can help.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Can you use the photos posted in that other thread? If so you can use all the ones I have there.· Sorry, I didn't take any video's but I know several people video taped my CNC machine so hopefully they will provide them to you
Yes, any and all photos can be used. I will sift through and align them with video and other information to create a sort of promotional video highlighting the event. I was planning on making two versions. One would be probably a full length DVD in more of a documentary style. But I also want to make a single 20 minute or so prmotional video that people who haven't been there can watch and get the short of what happens there and all the wonderful things available. Eye candy for geeks.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering