Simple code problem causing memory over-run?
I am trying to use the Motor Minder object from the exchange and having a problem that should be pretty easy, but I can't seem to see it...
The object works great, except about every 2-3 seconds I will get a random number, normally pretty high.· Example, if I was consistantly getting a 331, it will return a 7500 every few seconds, or 700 consistantly will return 20000 every few seconds...
I am guessing this may be due to some type of a memory over run?
I am just learning about the counters in each cog.· Does anyone see anything that stands out that would cause this error?
Does anyone see something I should force to zero on each repeat?
Motor_Minder = object
Motor_Minder_Test_Simple = an object I use just to debug and test
Thanks a ton for your help...· I must just be overlooking something obvious...
The object works great, except about every 2-3 seconds I will get a random number, normally pretty high.· Example, if I was consistantly getting a 331, it will return a 7500 every few seconds, or 700 consistantly will return 20000 every few seconds...
I am guessing this may be due to some type of a memory over run?
I am just learning about the counters in each cog.· Does anyone see anything that stands out that would cause this error?
Does anyone see something I should force to zero on each repeat?
Motor_Minder = object
Motor_Minder_Test_Simple = an object I use just to debug and test
Thanks a ton for your help...· I must just be overlooking something obvious...