Has anyone ever played around with SMB?
I wonder if anyone has had the desire to access shared files or folders on a LAN with the Propeller Chip and a network module.
I looked into the OBEX, but I couldn't find anything including the Server Message Block Protocol.
Maybe I'll try to write something myself, but it looks a bit complex to me:
I looked into the OBEX, but I couldn't find anything including the Server Message Block Protocol.
Maybe I'll try to write something myself, but it looks a bit complex to me:
I suppose it really depends on the application you have in mind. If you're looking to use a prop as a client with a unix/linux server than NFS would be the way to go. If you want the prop as a client to a windows server than SMB is the obvious choice as NFS support under windows is always messy. If you're looking to make the prop into a server, then you should probably just buy an existing NAS device.
Every computer in our home network is running on Windows, so I think SMB would be the better choice. Perhaps I'll start analyzing the traffic of our Blu-ray Disc Player, when it tries to access a file/folder on a computer.
Pardon? Where would be the challenge?
Just keep the licensing in mind with the OSS source.
ok, I understand where you're coming from.... On my drawing board is a propeller-based ethernet switch (probably with 3 ENC28J60 used as NICs) for no other reason than because I can probably do it... [noparse]:)[/noparse]