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How to connect XBee module using an XBee Explorer Regulated breakout board — Parallax Forums

How to connect XBee module using an XBee Explorer Regulated breakout board

KashifKashif Posts: 15
edited 2010-05-16 13:43 in BASIC Stamp
Hi, I am a newbie to XBee modules.

I have just got a pair of XBee PRO modules with two breakout boards (one to connect to PC thru mini USB and other one to connect to Arduino or BS2, I got both.). Here are the links in case any additional information is needed.

XBee Pro 60mW Wire Antenna -
XBee Explorer USB -
XBee Explorer Regulated -

OK, I managed to connect one of the XBees to my PC with mini USB cable and set its parameters successfully thru X-CTU software.
How do I connect the other XBee to my microcontroller board, say Arduino?
Do I require any more components?

Thanx in advance.

Mind is not a vessel to be filled;

It's a fire to be ignited.


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-05-16 13:40
    In the schematic JP4 are the connections to the outside. You should be asking this question on the sparkfun or arduino sites since they make the parts you are asking about. Also this is the wrong section of this forum for this type of question.

    - Stephen
  • KashifKashif Posts: 15
    edited 2010-05-16 13:43
    Hi Stephen,

    Thanx for you reply and my apologies for the wrong post, was an attempt in the haste.

    Mind is not a vessel to be filled;

    It's a fire to be ignited.
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