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Program about switch

boblai2010boblai2010 Posts: 18
edited 2010-05-18 12:10 in BASIC Stamp
i want to set a basic stamp program for a switch , it is one switch to one mode, i have four mode,that will has four switch to four different can i set this program,Can somebody help me,Thankconfused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gifcry.gifcry.gif


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-05-16 06:18
    Keep a counter that your program initializes to zero. Use the BUTTON statement to handle the switch. When the BUTTON statement succeeds, increment the counter. If the counter reaches 4, set it back to zero. The counter value provides the mode
  • boblai2010boblai2010 Posts: 18
    edited 2010-05-16 07:52
    i want to four button to set four mode
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2010-05-17 00:35
    I hear that is what you WANT to do. But what that means is really unclear. For instance, what do you mean by a "mode"?
  • boblai2010boblai2010 Posts: 18
    edited 2010-05-17 05:11
    My program have four mode to control four thing but when i set four button to control four mode .I don't know how to set the button program
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-05-17 14:28
    Attach the code you have now and maybe we can make some improvements.

    - Stephen
  • boblai2010boblai2010 Posts: 18
    edited 2010-05-18 07:50
    my code is here

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    loopcounter VAR Byte
    FOR loopCounter = 0 TO 99
    DEBUG HOME, "loopCounter =", DEC loopCounter
    IF IN0=0 THEN· MODE1
    IF IN1=0 THEN· MODE2
    IF IN2=0 THEN· MODE3
    IF IN4=0 THEN· MODE4
    PAUSE 1000
    SLEEP 100
    GOTO mainprogram
    cmConstant CON 2257
    cmDistance VAR Byte
    time······ VAR Word
    · PULSOUT 15, 5
    · PULSIN 15, 1,time
    · cmDistance = cmConstant**time
    · SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]22, 12] ' Initialize LCD
    · PAUSE 5
    · SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"Distance Mode" ,CR, DEC3 cmDistance,"cm" ]
    · PAUSE 100
    · IF IN1=0 THEN· MODE2
    · IF IN2=0 THEN· MODE3
    · IF IN4=0 THEN· MODE4

    angle VAR Byte
    x VAR Word
    y VAR Word
    PULSIN 6, 1, x
    PULSIN 7, 1, y
    x = (x MIN 1921 MAX 3164) - 1921** 13369 - 126
    y = (y MIN 1921 MAX 3164) - 1921 ** 13369 - 126
    angle = -x ATN y
    angle = angle*/363
    IF angle>180 THEN angle=360-angle
    IF angle=0 THEN FREQOUT 4,10000,2
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]22, 12] ' Initialize LCD
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"Degree Mode" ,CR, "angle = " ,CLREOL,DEC angle,"deg" ]
    PAUSE 100
    IF IN0=0 THEN· MODE1
    IF IN2=0 THEN· MODE3
    IF IN4=0 THEN· MODE4
    lux VAR Word
    h VAR Nib
    z VAR Word
    cnt VAR Word
    y1 VAR Byte
    y2 VAR Word
    S0 PIN 8 'Sensitivity selection pins
    S1 PIN 9
    In PIN 10 'TSL230R output pin
    Program Start
    LOW S0 'Set sensitivity pins (S0,S1) to x10
    HIGH S1
    Main program loop
    y1 = cnt */ h
    y2 = y1 * cnt */ h */ h
    FOR z = 0 TO 2000
    COUNT In, 100, cnt 'COUNT on P2 FOR 100 ms, store value in cnt
    lux = cnt*/$39A-36-y2
    DEBUG HOME , DEC5 lux,CR 'Display value of cnt as a decima
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]22, 12] ' Initialize LCD
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"Lux Mode" ,CR,"Lux = " ,CLREOL,DEC lux,"lux" ]
    IF IN0=0 THEN· MODE1
    IF IN1=0 THEN· MODE2
    IF IN4=0 THEN· MODE4

    ShtData PIN 11 ' bi-directional data
    Clock PIN 13
    ShtTemp CON %00011 ' read temperature
    ShtHumi CON %00101 ' read humidity
    ShtStatW CON %00110 ' status register write
    ShtStatR CON %00111 ' status register read
    ShtReset CON %11110 ' soft reset
    Ack CON 0
    NoAck CON 1
    No CON 0
    Yes CON 1
    ioByte VAR Byte ' data from/to SHT11
    ackBit VAR Bit ' ack/nak from/to SHT11
    toDelay VAR Byte ' timeout delay timer
    timeOut VAR Bit ' timeout status
    soT VAR Word ' temp counts from SHT11
    tC VAR Word ' temp - Celcius
    status VAR Byte
    GOSUB SHT_Connection_Reset ' reset device connection
    PAUSE 250 ' let DEBUG window open
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]22, 12] ' Initialize LCD
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT 14, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"Temp Mode" ,CR,"tC = " ,CLREOL, DEC tC,· "C"]
    GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
    PAUSE 1000
    IF IN0=0 THEN· MODE1
    IF IN1=0 THEN· MODE2
    IF IN2=0 THEN· MODE3
    SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]$FFF\9]
    INPUT ShtData ' let pull-up take high
    LOW Clock
    HIGH Clock
    LOW ShtData
    LOW Clock
    HIGH Clock
    INPUT ShtData
    LOW Clock
    GOSUB SHT_Start ' alert device
    ioByte = ShtTemp ' temperature command
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte ' send command
    GOSUB SHT_Wait ' wait for measurement
    ackBit = Ack ' another read follows
    GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte ' get MSB
    soT.HIGHBYTE = ioByte
    ackBit = NoAck ' last read
    GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte ' get LSB
    soT.LOWBYTE = ioByte
    tC = soT ** $1999 - 400 ' convert to tenths C
    GOSUB SHT_Start ' alert device
    ioByte = ShtStatW
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte ' send command
    ioByte = status
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte
    GOSUB SHT_Start ' alert device
    ioByte = ShtStatW ' write to status reg cmd
    GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte ' send command
    ackBit = NoAck ' only one byte to read
    GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte
    SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte] ' send byte
    SHIFTIN ShtData, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ackBit\1] ' get ack bit
    SHIFTIN ShtData, Clock, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte] ' get byte
    SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]ackBit\1] ' send ack bit
    INPUT ShtData ' release data line
    INPUT ShtData ' data line is input
    timeOut = No ' assume no timeout
    FOR toDelay = 1 TO 250 ' wait ~1/4 second
    IF (ShtData = 0) THEN EXIT
    PAUSE 1
    IF (toDelay = 250) THEN timeOut = Yes ' loop completed = timeout
    GOSUB SHT_Connection_Reset ' reset the connection
    ioByte = ShtReset ' reset command
    ackBit = NoAck ' only one byte to send
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte ' send it
    PAUSE 11 ' wait at least 11 ms
    status = %00000100 ' heater bit = On
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Status
    status = %00000000 ' heater bit = Off
    GOSUB SHT_Write_Status
  • boblai2010boblai2010 Posts: 18
    edited 2010-05-18 07:51
    also my LCD will display the temp mode when basic stamp open
    i only want to press one button display one mode ,i can't do it
  • sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
    edited 2010-05-18 12:10
    You need only one loop for your MODE 1,2,3,4

    if some where in your code you need to select a different mode the just rescan the select mode


    FOR loopCounter = 0 TO 99

    IF IN0=0 THEN· MODE1
    IF IN1=0 THEN· MODE2
    IF IN2=0 THEN· MODE3
    IF IN4=0 THEN· MODE4
    PAUSE 1000

    Then any time you need to select a different mode· then use GOSUB Scan_Mode

    I hope this help

    ·Now wanting to learn Spin· Thanks for any·idea.gif·that you may have and all of your time finding them smile.gif

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