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D/A chip for low frequency — Parallax Forums

D/A chip for low frequency

Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
edited 2010-05-21 06:36 in Propeller 1
Howdy guys, I am currently starting on the prop, I have held off way too long on this. I have been playing with the basic stamp for about 7 years and I need more power for what I am doing now.

What would you recomend for a Digital to Analog converter for low frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 12 Hz generation. I am currently working on a multichannel programable LFO and I want control over the PWM, phase and Amplitude·of the signal. Any sugetions? I have the Prop, regulators·and a 5Mhz crystal on order right now and just need a good choice for the Digital to analog. I'm also looking to do level detection so I will need an A/D also but thats not so critical at the moment.·


  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-05-15 15:01
    How many bits do you need? At that frequency almost anything will do - there are plenty around using I2C and SPI.

    Leon Heller
    Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-15 15:18
    Well I am familler with I2C I/O and Eproms so that would probably be my direction. I'm gessing 8 or 12 bit would be good. thier just Occilators driveing some Bulbs and LED's for LDR's and posibaly some FETS as VCR's. I may take a stabe at Transconductance amps also. I am realy excited after reading some of the documentation on the prop. Its absolutly amazing realy.
    I also need it to be in DIP form. surface mount is a bit tough for my old hands.

    on a side note is thier an I2C LCD avalible?

    Post Edited (Pablo1234) : 5/15/2010 3:38:17 PM GMT
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-05-15 16:00
    10- or 12-bit will be more common, I doubt if there is any demand for 8-bits. You shouldn't have any problem finding what you want in DIL.

    There are LCDs with serial interfaces, so there might I2C ones. I made my own serial LCD using an AVR, and I've often thought of making an I2C or SPI version.

    Leon Heller
    Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2010-05-15 16:17
    You can use a simple RC circuit and a counter of the Propeller to produce a high resolution DAC for such low frequencies.
    If one of the counters of a cog is initialized in DUTY mode, you only need to write the DAC value to the PHSx register.
    So you can have 2 RC-DACs per cog.

    The following code outputs a value at pin PA0 and increases it all 2 seconds.
    CON  _clkmode      = xtal1 + pll16x                                    
         _xinfreq      = 5_000_000
         DAC  = 0
    PUB Main   | val
      dira[noparse][[/noparse]DAC] := 1                     'Set up DAC
      ctra := %00110 << 26 + DAC         'counter A in DUTY mode
      val := 0
      repeat                             'loop
        frqa := val << 16                'set DAC (lower 16 bit of val)
        waitcnt(clkfreq*2 + cnt)         'wait 2 seconds
        val += 6000                      'increase value

    243 x 116 - 679B
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-16 16:29

    This is the DAC I'm looking at right now.

    I don't want to do square wave outs and integrate them, I want control over the shape of the wave Tri, Saw, reverse saw and sine from .0 hz to 12 hz. I also need control over the amplitude and phase. doing this in anolog with a pulse output is how I am currently doing it with a basic stamp and its alot of extra circuitry, intigrator for square to·Tri or Saw·and high pass filter to readjust amplitude and set sine. Total pain in the but.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2010-05-16 17:03
    That's got eight DACs. Look for one with a single DAC, it'll be cheaper. Here is a nice one:,C1,C1156,P2333

    The buffered output will save you having to provide a buffer.

    Linear is very liberal with free samples.

    Leon Heller
    Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-05-16 19:33

    With the Propeller there's much less external circuitry needed to get what you want. Here's a program I wrote to output low-frequency sine waves:

      [b]_clkmode[/b]      = [b]xtal1[/b] + [b]pll16x[/b]
      [b]_xinfreq[/b]      = 5_000_000
      FREQ          = 6111            'Frequency in millihertz.
      OUTPIN        = 0
    [b]PUB[/b] start | t, dt, phase, amplitude
      [b]ctra[/b] := %00110 << 26 | OUTPIN
      [b]dira[/b] := 1 << OUTPIN
      dt := clkfreq / 1000
      t := [b]cnt[/b] + dt
        phase += FREQ << 15 / 3907
        amplitude := sin(phase >> 10) << 15 + $8000_0000    
        [b]waitcnt[/b](t += dt)
        [b]frqa[/b] := amplitude
    [b]PUB[/b] sin(x) : value | t
      [b]if[/b] (x & $fff == $800)
        value := $ffff
        [b]if[/b] (x & $800)
          t := -x & $7ff
          t := x & $7ff
        value := [b]word[/b][noparse][[/noparse]*$e000][noparse][[/noparse]*t]
      [b]if[/b] (x & $1000)
        value := -value

    It uses a counter's DUTY mode output and the exact RC network that Andy showed above to filter it. Here's what the output looks like:


    It's hardly what I'd call a "pain in the butt". smile.gif For your app, an external DAC would be overkill.


    Addendum: BTW, this is the raw output from the pin that the RC network is filtering:


    'Notice the frequency and time scale? 12Hz is glacial by comparison.

    Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 5/16/2010 9:17:19 PM GMT
    640 x 480 - 10K
    640 x 480 - 15K
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-16 23:13
    Phil, can you output Triangle waves, Sine waves, forward saw and revers saw waves selectable with control over Phase, PWM, amplitude and Frequency with just a simple RC network?

    I need 6 programable LFO's so the 8 channel will save me some pins
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-05-17 02:55
    Yes, absolutely! However, to use the counters' DUTY mode output to do six outputs, you will need three cogs, since each cog has only two counters. You could also try the PWMx8 object in the OBEX to do up to eight outputs at once. But the PWM frequency is much less than the DUTY mode rate, so more filtering will be required, and you may get rounding on the peaks of the sawtooth waves.

    Here's some output that alternates between sine and sawtooth every cycle:


    Andy's RC filter was a bit too aggressive for a sawtooth waveform, so I reduced the resistor to 6.8K to obtain this scope trace.

    640 x 480 - 11K
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-17 18:14
    very cool, I can't wait to get my chip this week.
    I am getting sick as a dog but I think I can program from bed lol.
    The main isue I had with integrating with an CR network on my stamp was that it would go from a tri wave at high freq to a saw at the lower frequencys. also the amplitude would change. I need to look more into how the Prop is programed and what its limitations are but I beleve I will be able to get closer to what I want with it x10. Some of the projects you guys have done are super impressive. I love the cnc router project.
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-20 22:15
    OK I am nolonger bedridden. The flu is almost gone. I just recived my prop, 3.3v regulator and 5MHz crystal.
    I also have been reading the docs and I think I'm gona try the bst with PropBasic unless someone thinks it would be better for me to use Spin. I am very unfamiler with Spin, Multicore programing and the Propellor. I am very familer with PBasic, VB 6 and computer programing though.

    Could someone start me off with PropBasic by rewriting this Spin Phil wrote the other day?
    [/b]  [b]_clkmode[/b]      = [b]xtal1[/b] + [b]pll16x[/b]
      [b]_xinfreq[/b]      = 5_000_000
      FREQ          = 6111            'Frequency in millihertz.
      OUTPIN        = 0
    [b]PUB[/b] start | t, dt, phase, amplitude
      [b]ctra[/b] := %00110 << 26 | OUTPIN
      [b]dira[/b] := 1 << OUTPIN
      dt := clkfreq / 1000
      t := [b]cnt[/b] + dt
        phase += FREQ << 15 / 3907
        amplitude := sin(phase >> 10) << 15 + $8000_0000    
        [b]waitcnt[/b](t += dt)
        [b]frqa[/b] := amplitude
    [b]PUB[/b] sin(x) : value | t
      [b]if[/b] (x & $fff == $800)
        value := $ffff
        [b]if[/b] (x & $800)
          t := -x & $7ff
          t := x & $7ff
        value := [b]word[/b][noparse][[/noparse]&shy;$e000][noparse][[/noparse]&shy;t]
      [b]if[/b] (x & $1000)
        value := -value

    ok I wana try and break this down to see if I under stand it
    [/b]  [b]_clkmode[/b]      = [b]xtal1[/b] + [b]pll16x[/b]
      [b]_xinfreq[/b]      = 5_000_000

    this sets the·prop to the external crystal _xinfreq at 5,000,000 and xtal1 sets the proper internal RC network for the crystal and pll16x is the multiplier of _xinfreq x 16 = 80,000,000 hz

    so ctra and ctrb will incrament every 12.5 microseconds with no modifiers.

    the rest i get but I am a bianary person not boolian·so BITSHIFTING and·useing OR to add numbers kinda complicates it a bit for me. Not that I dont understand the·concept but i'm not understanding why you shift 0 (OUTPIN) to the 26th bit of ctra.

    then phase an internal variable to the subroutine·is reset to 0 useing ~

    dt is then set to··dt·:=·clkfreq·/·1000·= 80,000

    then t is set to the current count + 80,000

    so all that would be the initalization for the return loop that follows it. and the sin is a look up table in the rom to offset the amplitude to create a sin wave from a ramped signal.

    I know I dont fully understand this yet but I want to.
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-20 22:23
    ·this is how I did it on my stamp, it outputs a square wave with some data in memory I have control of the freq, phase relationship and on/off time independantly for each lfo. suprisingly with Inc_Base at 16 the code execution comes out to be perfect 1hz when the multiplier is set at 10. I know I'm not getting exact Freq with useing the loop to set my timebase but its close enough for what I am doing, and the relationship of the frequencys is realy what I want control of.
    ' {$STAMP BS2p}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    Count_Base_0       CON     5000
    Inc_Base           CON     16
    LFO1_Freq_T1       VAR     Byte
    LFO2_Freq_T1       VAR     Byte
    LFO3_Freq_T1       VAR     Byte
    LFO4_Freq_T1       VAR     Byte
    LFO1_Freq_T2           VAR     Byte
    LFO2_Freq_T2           VAR     Byte
    LFO3_Freq_T2           VAR     Byte
    LFO4_Freq_T2           VAR     Byte
    LFO_PWM            VAR     Byte
    LFO_Phase          VAR     Byte
    LFO1_Count         VAR     Word
    LFO2_Count         VAR     Word
    LFO3_Count         VAR     Word
    LFO4_Count         VAR     Word
    LFO1_State          PIN     3     'Pulse out
    LFO2_State          PIN     4
    LFO3_State          PIN     5
    LFO4_State          PIN     6
    Config_Set          PIN     12
    Edit_P_Button       PIN     13
    DATA  @0, 1     'LFO1 T1 Multiplier 1 to 16
    DATA  @1, 0      'Phase Incrament -16 to 16
    DATA  @2, 5       'T1 and T2 offset -11 - 11
    DATA  @16, 1     'LFO1 T1 Multiplier 1 to 16
    DATA  @17, 0       'Phase Incrament -16 to 16
    DATA  @18, 0       'T1 and T2 offset -11 - 11
    DATA  @32, 1     'LFO1 T1 Multiplier 1 to 16
    DATA  @33, 0      'Phase Incrament -16 to 16
    DATA  @34, 0       'T1 and T2 offset -11 - 11
    DATA  @48, 1     'LFO1 T1 Multiplier 1 to 16
    DATA  @49, 0       'Phase Incrament -16 to 16
    DATA  @50, 0       'T1 and T2 offset -11 - 11
    READ 0, LFO1_Freq_T1
    PUT 0, LFO1_Freq_T1
    READ 1, LFO_Phase
    PUT 1, LFO_Phase
    PUT 2, LFO_PWM
    GET 0, LFO1_Freq_T1
    GET 1, LFO_Phase
    GET 2, LFO_PWM
    LFO1_Count = (Count_Base_0 - (LFO_Phase * LFO1_Freq_T1))
    LFO_PWM = (LFO_PWM * 2) * LFO1_Freq_T1
    LFO1_Freq_T2 = LFO1_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base - LFO_PWM
    LFO1_Freq_T1 = LFO1_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base + LFO_PWM
    READ 16, LFO2_Freq_T1
    PUT 16, LFO2_Freq_T1
    READ 17, LFO_Phase
    PUT 17, LFO_Phase
    READ 18, LFO_PWM
    PUT 18, LFO_PWM
    GET 16, LFO2_Freq_T1
    GET 17, LFO_Phase
    GET 18, LFO_PWM
    LFO2_Count = (Count_Base_0 - (LFO_Phase * LFO2_Freq_T1))
    LFO_PWM = (LFO_PWM * 2) * LFO2_Freq_T1
    LFO2_Freq_T2 = (LFO2_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) + LFO_PWM
    LFO2_Freq_T1 = (LFO2_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) - LFO_PWM
    READ 32, LFO3_Freq_T1
    PUT 32, LFO3_Freq_T1
    READ 33, LFO_Phase
    PUT 33, LFO_Phase
    READ 34, LFO_PWM
    PUT 34, LFO_PWM
    GET 32, LFO3_Freq_T1
    GET 33, LFO_Phase
    GET 34, LFO_PWM
    LFO3_Count = (Count_Base_0 - (LFO_Phase * LFO3_Freq_T1))
    LFO_PWM = (LFO_PWM * 2) * LFO3_Freq_T1
    LFO3_Freq_T2 = (LFO3_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) + LFO_PWM
    LFO3_Freq_T1 = (LFO3_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) - LFO_PWM
    READ 48, LFO4_Freq_T1
    PUT 48, LFO4_Freq_T1
    READ 49, LFO_Phase
    PUT 49, LFO_Phase
    READ 50, LFO_PWM
    PUT 50, LFO_PWM
    GET 48, LFO4_Freq_T1
    GET 49, LFO_Phase
    GET 50, LFO_PWM
    LFO4_Count = (Count_Base_0 - (LFO_Phase * LFO4_Freq_T1))
    LFO_PWM = (LFO_PWM * 2) * LFO4_Freq_T1
    LFO4_Freq_T2 = (LFO4_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) + LFO_PWM
    LFO4_Freq_T1 = (LFO4_Freq_T1 * Inc_Base) - LFO_PWM
          IF LFO1_State = 0 AND LFO1_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO1_Freq_T1)   THEN
            LFO1_Count = Count_Base_0
            HIGH LFO1_State
          ELSEIF LFO1_State = 1 AND LFO1_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO1_Freq_T2) THEN
            LFO1_Count = Count_Base_0
            LOW LFO1_State
          LFO1_Count = LFO1_Count + 1
          IF LFO2_State = 0 AND LFO2_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO2_Freq_T1)   THEN
            LFO2_Count = Count_Base_0
            HIGH LFO2_State
          ELSEIF LFO2_State = 1 AND LFO2_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO2_Freq_T2) THEN
            LFO2_Count = Count_Base_0
            LOW LFO2_State
          LFO2_Count = LFO2_Count + 1
          IF LFO3_State = 0 AND LFO3_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO3_Freq_T1)   THEN
            LFO3_Count = Count_Base_0
            HIGH LFO3_State
          ELSEIF LFO3_State = 1 AND LFO3_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO3_Freq_T2) THEN
            LFO3_Count = Count_Base_0
            LOW LFO3_State
          LFO3_Count = LFO3_Count + 1
          IF LFO4_State = 0 AND LFO4_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO4_Freq_T1)   THEN
            LFO4_Count = Count_Base_0
            HIGH LFO4_State
          ELSEIF LFO4_State = 1 AND LFO4_Count = (Count_Base_0 + LFO4_Freq_T2) THEN
            LFO4_Count = Count_Base_0
            LOW LFO4_State
          LFO4_Count = LFO4_Count + 1

    Post Edited (Pablo1234) : 5/20/2010 10:29:02 PM GMT
  • Pablo1234Pablo1234 Posts: 19
    edited 2010-05-21 06:36
    ok i understand now, setting ctra := %00110 is setting the duty cycle and then its bitshifted to 26 to 30 then pin 0 is set for apin in ctra. So as I read the docs I am getting this.

    So how do I detect my on time and off time, not in the duty but the output. Say I want to have a triangle wave that ramps up·for 100mS and ramps down for 66mS. This would be on for·5/8ths and off for 3/8ths of 6Hz. I want to specify frequency and change·the duty of my output wave.

    How do·I make an offset of my phase relationship between LFO 1·,2, 3, 4, 5, 6? and at what incrament would it be in. at 12Hz and 1 mS slice time·I am gessing 2.3 deg phase incraments, correct?

    A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. - Abraham Lincoln
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